Chapter Fourty: The Final Battle (Part 2)

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Sonic: *He flees the battle and quickly searches for Lilac*
Tails: Sonic! Down here!
Amy: What's going on?
Sonic: *He unfuses himself from the chaos emeralds and catches his breath* Kyvern got Lilac and launched her somewhere into the city.
Tails: Let's go find her then.
*Everyone splits into two groups and look in the part of the city where they believe Lilac landed*
Blaze: Guys. I found her.
*They hop into a crater where Lilac layed curled up in a ball unconscious with a slightly different appearance. Her hair was now purple and had a bang over her left eye*
Tails: Lilac! Wake up!
Lilac: ..... T ... Tails? *Her eyes had changed too. From purple to teal*

*Everyone gathers up in the crater making sure they wouldn't be seen while Cream pulls out snacks from her backpack and passes one out for everyone*
Cream: You all need to save your energy. We can't keep fighting all day.
Sonic: Lilac, you were about to say something before you were hit back.  You said to aim for...
Lilac: The crystal. The one attached to  his chest. If it hurt me when the crystal was damaged by Eggman, it'll hurt Kyvern a lot more.
Silver: So we just have damage the crystal repeatedly?
Lilac: It won't be that easy, he knows I know his weakness so he'll do anything to protect that crystal. You need to attack the small crack. The more you crack it, the more weaker he gets. The second a piece the crystal falls off, I'll be able to destroy the curse once and for all.
???: What are you guys doing in this crater?
Sonic: Knuckles! Long time no see!
Knuckles: Tikal is with the master emerald. So what's going on?
Shadow: Chaos, what do you think?
Lilac: I'll explain it later. Everyone, take one emerald. I've enhanced their power a bit so they'll make you even stronger than you normal selves.
*One by one everyone absorbed a chaos emerald making them glow*
Sonic: Alright!
Amy: This feels great!
Silver: Sweet!
*They all climbed out of the crater feeling stronger than ever before and looked at the city*
Sonic: Alright, let's do this.

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