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It's not like they didn't care for each other. That couldn't be anymore wrong, but they never voiced out their emotions. Letting each other go their own separate way. They were seen as a couple, yet they were broken. Their ignoring of their feelings, their ignoring on the other's feelings. It didn't really bother anymore. They never said anything and they never will. 

Seeing your supposed lover come back home with love bites all over their body, etched onto their skin, making you want to cry, yet not saying anything. Leaving it be. Coming back home with other people, hearing their dirty and disgusting moans with your lover. 

Why complain, if you haven't tried to stop it, if you haven't shared your views and your opinion of what's going on. 

Coming from the other perspective, of coming home with other people in front of your lover, seeing them do nothing and let you be. You keep doing it so your lover, can say something, anything. But they don't, and it pains you because do they even care?  They don't care you would tell yourself, but if you never asked them, then where would it take you? 

Say it out loud, don't let it stand alone, because it will only get worse. Speak your problems, voice your thoughts. That pain that stands in between both of them will never go away, it has perfectly damaged them, and it is permanently stained into their hearts. 

Speak to me. 

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