Chapter Seven

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“Many would not fight the plague which spreads throughout the land,” Legolas said angrily, “but their indifference and denial only strengthens the evil which we seek to destroy.”

“Do not condemn them Legolas, for they seek only to protect themselves from the war which surely lies ahead. Many remember or know of the tales of Sauron, Isildur and the Last Alliance of Elves and Men; nobody would wish that destruction upon our people again. It is ingrained in our minds and they are right to fear it, are they not?” Amaruil said as she sat beside Legolas.

“Yes, I fear it too but it does no good to be paralysed by fear. Ignoring evil only leads to a harder fight in the end, especially when it is already a struggle.”

“Many people hope that the news they hear is but twisted rumours; even my uncle Lenwë told me that he was reluctant to accept that we may be nearing another war until Oroduin erupted again. With that, however, he knew that the time was come to accept the one thing he had hoped would never come to pass again was upon us.”

“Your uncle is brighter than most, for even some who have seen the evidence with their own eyes deny Sauron’s power while others work tirelessly to bring about his downfall,” Legolas replied.

“Listen Legolas; I trust in you and I believe that we will triumph, but it will be at a price – victory always comes at a price. I do not know what that price will be, but I am willing to sacrifice all that I have to triumph in the end,” Amaruil said seriously, her eyes boring into his.

“As am I, but my greatest fear is that that sacrifice will come to pass,” admitted Legolas.

“It is a good and worthy sacrifice if it enables good to prevail,” Amaruil said quietly, taking Legolas’ cool hand in hers and playing with his long fingers.

“Amaruil,” Legolas began, causing Amaruil to look up at him and leave his hands still as they intertwined with hers, “I… I do not know what to say,” he murmured, leaving Amaruil gazing up at him in confusion. “These past few months have been utterly enthralling and I do not believe that Lórien could have had nearly as strong a hold on me if you had not been here. I must leave tomorrow for I have already stayed too long here but before I go I need you to know that-”

Amaruil’s heart had all but stopped when Legolas had stopped talking, but she knew that allowing herself to care for him was a grave mistake; above all, listening to him was pulling her inexorably into dangerous waters. Although it pained her to do so, she held her hand up and stopped him in his tracks. “I beg you Legolas; I do not fully know what you are about to say, although I have some inkling of what will come next, but I beg you to stop.”

Hurt blossomed in his eyes and he stepped away from her, instantly erecting a wall between them and chilling Amaruil, both with the physical lack of his warmth and the emotional coldness he projected. “I beg your pardon Amaruil, had I known that you did not feel the same way-”

“No wait! It is true that I care for you greatly,” she mumbled, “but I asked you to stop because I will not go through the torture I see Arwen and other nissi go through. I know that you are leaving to fight and I will not stop that, but nor will I make any promise until we are at peace again.”

“I see.”

“Legolas?” she asked cautiously, wary of the coldness in his voice. “Is there something wrong?”

“Not at all, but it would be best for me to leave now, lest I lose any time,” he said, striding away and leaving Amaruil standing behind bewildered, a solitary figure in the forest, her dark hair tossed about by the wind as if it was trying to entice her into a game which she did not want to play.


Amaruil walked through the forest slowly, her feet barely making a noise or imprint on the rusty leaves beneath her feet. She was confused and disorientated, but most of all she was hurt. She wasn’t sure what had caused the change in Legolas but she knew that it was unlikely their relationship would heal and so she grieved for the loss of their friendship and was forced to reconcile that with her feelings about the loss of the man who had come closest to enchanting her enough to change her thoughts on marriage.

“What has happened?” Arwen asked as Amaruil eventually entered their home after wandering aimlessly between the trees, heedless of time.

“I hardly know,” said Amaruil, relating some of the particulars of her conversation with Legolas.

“That is indeed strange,” mused Arwen, “though offering comfort is beyond me as I have as little knowledge of Legolas and his actions as you. However, perhaps in time we will see that the course of events straightens out again. Who are we to know what decisions he has made with regard to your conversation?”

“I fear though that I may never see him again, and that our relationship may never be repaired,” Amaruil lamented.

“You love him,” Arwen stated, seeing the look of despair in her friend’s eyes.

“I doubt that it has come to that Arwen, but I will not deny that I do care for him greatly and that it pains me to be on ill terms with him, especially when I do not know why,” Amaruil replied quietly, her voice and spirits subdued.

“Why does it take you so long to accept what you feel for him? We are not members of the race of Men to be tricked and deceived by our minds at every turn but Eldar, bestowed with the gift of knowledge of our partner.”

“I am used to my solitude Arwen,” Amaruil snapped. “I did not yearn for love like you but was content with my pursuits. Legolas has changed that and my spirit must still adjust; I am not inclined to fancies that fly away with a breath of wind.”

“No Eldar is.”

“It is a dangerous time Arwen, you of all people must appreciate that.”

“But love grows ever faster and stronger under duress, like a flower brought early to bloom.”

“I will not put myself through unnecessary pain Arwen!” Amaruil cried. “I do not wish to wait anxiously for news, living from one day to another as my husband lives in peril!”

Arwen bit her lip as her eyes fluttered closed, her sooty lashes lying against her cheeks as she held back tears and studied the ring of Barahir. “Perhaps it is up to you to seize what time there is left, that you may enjoy some days of happiness lest it be cruelly and prematurely snatched from your grasp,” she whispered.

“Forgive me mellonen,” Amaruil murmured, “but nor will I be responsible for tearing his heart and mind from the task he has at hand, for with that distraction will surely come danger. Do not despair, he is hope and born to be King,” she said, placing her hand on Arwen’s back as her friend heaved a deep sigh, her fingers clenched around Aragorn’s ring.


If you haven't read the books or seen the films, the Last Alliance of Elves and Men was the final stand against Sauron many years ago (it failed... obviously. Well they came very close to succeeding (they kind of won the battle and killed Sauron) but Isildur couldn't bring himself to destroy the One Ring...)
Nissi is the word for Elvish women.

Anyways... (first AN of the book!) thanks so much for supporting my book - I had a feeling no one read fan fiction for LOTR but it seems to be doing better than I expected... still, please read, vote, comment, library-ise etc. :D

(And just another reminder, everything in Middle Earth belongs to J. R. R. Tolkien, including the language, but Amaruil and the rest belongs to me)

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