18; darkness, my friend.

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Hello there darkness, my friend.
Remember that day, when you told me-- I'm worthless.
Remember when, you said I am just filled with numbness.

You provoked me, saying I was just scared.
I was scared because I couldn't love.
Too scared that I couldn't even let myself depend on anyone,
Even to the one above.

You told me, I should stop trying to live
Because after all, all I had was envy.
Everybody was my enemy.

You said, stop. You're being fake.
Stop, you dont deserve your positive fate.

"Buddy," You giggled as you state. "Its because you're a nobody."

I fought you. "NO!" I yelled. "How dare you try to screw me?"

You laughed, I was afraid.
You laughed, fooling me was a piece of cake.

I can't feel love, the joy, I was numb but I realized, aren't you too?

Darkness, here I bring you my warm smile.
I'm sorry if you havent had one once in a while.

But dear, we're just the same.
We're both just scared, because why? Why are we so lame?

You havent had the joy, the love, the positive emotions,
Since after all you're like a witches' potion.

Haha, I'm sorry.

You're trying to creep me, because this is all you could do,
Be somebody nobody even wants a connection to.

Like me, you're in a lonely grey,
You havent been good either,
For you to live, what else is the other way?

We're both just scared, we're both just the same,
Because we never have been there,
we have never experienced the happy games.

But maybe thats it, we just need to wait,
After all, nothing in a circle is straight.

We havent had what we wanted,
What the other people have.

We're afraid to encounter whats good,
Because pain your best friend, well-- he's so rude.

You might say,
"Never compare me to you, dumb rat."

Well, all you ever wanted was to be accepted right?
And I'm here, I accept you!

I accept you are a part of me,
I dont regret knowing you,
Hope you also weren't guilty.

Now, maybe we should calm down?
Calm down from this fear,
Remove your crown.

Let everything drift away,
Because darkness my old friend,
We're just the same, we're both just scared
Never lame, but untamed.

● ●

My fave work so far!

A conversation in my mind popped up and I said,
"Yes! This is what I was looking for!"
And so heres a poem for darkness, our best friend.

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