Encounter [Pt-2]

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Kha Chak

The sound of the breaking of the dry twig was especially loud in the forest inside the valley. Hearing the sound that seemed as if it was nearby, the bandits were alerted once again for any signs of an ambush. Lin Chen felt as if his heart would stop. He wanted to get away from the scene of crime as soon as possible but unexpectedly the accident happened.

While the bandits were alert and had their hands on their weapons, Gai Lan gestured towards three of them to scout the area. Lin Chen tried to flee as soon as possible. He neither cared that he was making sounds as he fled and left a trail nor did he cared about the fact that he was gradually moving towards the inner part of the valley where a mortal like him was not supposed to go.

The scouts returned and told about their findings to Gai Lan. Two of the three said they did not find anything while the third one reported,

"Boss, I heard someone running away from here and when I went to investigate it seemed to be a mortal. They left a trail behind and if what I assumed to be true is right they might not have gone too far."

"Where did the trail lead to?"

"To the inner valley, Boss."

"Fool, if he had gone to the inner valley he is either a cultivator or an idiot like you. Either way, if he saw us kill Liu He we must not allow him to live least it brings us a calamity."

"Boss is very wise."

"It is only fools like you that have no intelligence. Hurry show me the trail you have already wasted a lot of time. If we are lucky he may not have gone too far."

"Sure Boss it is in this way."

Lin Chen ran as if death itself was running behind him. It was true because if he was caught a fate worse than death awaited him.

He did not know where he was going and after he was sure no one was following him, he stopped and tried to catch his breath.

He looked around and tried to figure out where he was. After contemplating awhile he was able to figure out that he was somewhere in the eastern part of the inner forest. After panicking a bit, he tried to find his way back.

The heavens too seemed as if it was it was helping Lin Chen as he did not meet any demonic beast in the forest and after a while, he came upon a group of cultivators. Among them was a skinny guy whom he recognized immediately, Shi Yan. He was a 2nd level Qi Cultivator that sometimes comes to meet up with Lin Chen. They could be called as close friends of each other. When Shi Yan was young before he became a cultivator he was often bullied and Lin Chen would step in to help him and Lin Chen saw him as a younger brother.

"Shi Yan wait!" Lin Chen called out to Shi Yan as he came across them.

"Lin Chen, what are you doing here?" Shi Yan looked surprised seeing that Lin Chen was in the inner part of the valley and was unharmed.

"Can you help me out? I got lost."


A/N: I would be updating this story as much as I can this week as my classes will start from next week and I would not be able to update often then. Thank you, everyone, for your comments, votes and your support. As always if there is any mistake please tell me about it.


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