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with the buzz of the new superhero in town, Zack just blended in as he always did. Taking the train, getting to work...working his job, selling overpriced goods to the people that didn't seem to care it was as if nothing had changed, only except that at night he had to deal many different things. Stopping robberies, ending assaults on innocents, stopping the occasional rape, Zack did them all. He thought that this would fulfill him but it was not the case, he felt even more empty. It was all just one blur for him, and Zack hated every second of it. As Zack just in the chair behind the counter, the same way the journey had a few days ago...all he did was sit with a look of indifference, listening to radio. Abassi was gone again


on top of a 14ft building not that far away was a young woman, she was on the in a paternity style dress. She had face stained red of tears, her eyes were red and leaf green. As she looked down, all she wanted was one thing.

"veronica dont do it!" a woman screamed as she ran ontop of the roof. She looked at the young woman who seemed to actually be related "veronica, I dont know what you thinking, but this is not the way.." the woman tried to plead to her sister.

"why should I live?!? they made me into a whore, I was a good girl...than one night it went all down the drain...mama and papa refuse to talk to me!!" she screamed at the woman with anger "he killed me!" she screamed as she attempted to fall backwards, only to fall slightly the other managed to grab veronica's hand. She clinched her sister's hand for dear life trying not to let go

"veronica please, you have to stop this..." the woman said, as she was not able to hold the woman. As the woman fell, it appeared that there was a smile and than she was gone in a blur of red and black light. "veronica!? Veronica?!" the woman looked around confused and worried.

"behind you" a strange voice as the woman turned around, there was veronica on her hands and knees looking defeated...and the shroud standing, his arms crossed and looked at the woman.

"veronica!" the woman cried as she hugged her, than after a minute a strange turn of events, smacked her sister. As her hand made made everyone shocked. Veronica looked at her shocked "you selfish bitch! You don't get's your fault to you know?!?" the woman told her sister. Granted it was very bizarre, Zack couldn't help but agree that it was needed

"he left me to take care of his baby, what am I supposed to do Carmen!?" she cried out, the tears were stinging on her face when her sister smacked her "i am a seventeen year old mother...a fucking one night destroyed my life!" she cried as the hand of the hand of the shroud came out to her shoulder, she looked at him.

"there are services that you can do that will give you a chance..." the shroud told the girl, trying to say that it's not hopeless "and if you choose to give him a home, than there are charities and organization that will give you the's not hopeless, it never is" the shroud assured the girl as he walked away, he went to the ledge than as she was about to jump off he looked at the girl "you have great family, dont give up just have yet lived to throw it away" as he told her that, the shroud jumped off of the ledge where he teleported away. Carmen looked at the younger sister and the fact that she was not shaking anymore. She started to cry in her shoulders, veronica sobbed uncontrollably as she held her sister.

Two days later

it was chaos as the local frat houses and sororities were having parties. The liquor was selling out fast, but Zack was barely keeping up. It was one of those weekends that Zack had to be on his toes frequently. As he was ringing up a sorority...he heard a very interesting conversation

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