Sun and Hermes

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10.548  Before Christ

After thousands years wandering around the edge of the earth and helping people to evolve, helped them talk, walk, build, cook, it was time to stay somewhere for good but the think is that he never stay in one place more than a month, exept of one time. He helped many tribes and clans to rise to humanity but only one tribe was lucky enough to have him for allmost thousand years, he helped that tribe to develop the term writing. This clan was in a area filled with sand, and from the middle of it flowed a large river so when the time has came Selas named that area Egypt from the name of the valley that grew back to paradise. 

After a long time teaching the people of egypt about almost everything he start to tell them his story, how he was born, how his rised up even that his coming from the large flaming planet that is giving light to earth thousands of years now, the ...

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After a long time teaching the people of egypt about almost everything he start to tell them his story, how he was born, how his rised up even that his coming from the large flaming planet that is giving light to earth thousands of years now, the egyptians call the planet Sun and Selas Ra from ther language that develop and means Light and Lightbringer. 

When the start to grow larger of population Selas help them with his magic to rise houses, palaces and the most odd of all, triagle buildings with the name of Pyramids, oh the egyptians loved him very much onought to name him God, God of sun and magic and even have given to him a title Pharaoh namely King, King of all agypt. 

Many tribes try to conquer egypt but unsuccessful, with the gide of Selas and the light of Paradise none was purefull enough to sink egypt, but every start has an end, Selas was in one place for three thousand years, he was filling like is dying, he wanted to continue traveling and helping everyone in need and so it has done. One day he say to the people of egypt that his dying and must return back to Sun, all egypt fall in sorrow and Selas dind't like that so he create with his magic illusion of himself but with the face of animals and he tell the people that this is your new Gods. 

He fake his death by taking fire in front of the palace, he was start to become smoke and after few seconds vanish through thin air

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He fake his death by taking fire in front of the palace, he was start to become smoke and after few seconds vanish through thin air. He start to appear in a place not familiar with, a place with a giant marble palace in clounts, was Olympus home of the Greek Gods.

- Hey Sexy looking guy, long time im watching you as i delever the laters of the Gods and i am in fount of you, this is the reason that i have tell Appolo to bring you here. We need you!

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