Episode 1: the tormented

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" wake up " my mom yelled from across the hall , I could hear her but I layed down, still in sleep. I hated that for some reason I could hear the outside world when I slept and sometimes it was would manifest in my dreams

" yeon a " my mom yelled , I sat up figuring she wasn't gonna let me fall back in to a deep sleep anytime soon. I moved the sheets off my being and stood up. I stretched as I made my way to the bathroom. I didn't want to go to school , I never wanted to. I had it hard their didn't really have friends , growing up I had one or two but they all dwindled away due to the opinion of others.

Why I had it so hard? Because I live in busan , South Korea , And I'm an ethnically black young women in a homogenous society with a korean name. No I'm not half asian as most people would encounter when meeting a born and raised black person from South Korea . I'm just black , the only thing making me korean is being born here. My father Marcus is from cape town , South Africa while my mom Celeste is from Brooklyn, New York , being born in either of their birthplaces would've probably made my life 100x easier then it is here but noooooo, lets have offspring and have it face racial persecution from a homogenous society , in which it will struggle to fit in and find social counterparts. Well atleast that what I think they were thinking.
As in to why they gave me a korean name, I figure the though ehh our child's born here might as well go the whole nine yards, thus yeon a came into existence . I stripped myself of my clothes and entered the shower, I'd lose myself in my baths sometimes , I looked at my wrist and the scar that sat across it tracing it. I remembered the painful story behind the mark.
One year ago......

I ran , I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, I looked back and saw hanseul on my tail, him and two of his friends. He always picked on me often calling me dirty or farm girl or something derogatory and usually I tried to ignore it even when he trips me or pushes me, shoves me. I just ignore it, but he went to far that day. He spoke ill of my parents and before I knew it my hand had greeted his cheeck. I felt myself slowing down. Then suddenly i was tackled .

Hansol friends grabbed me holding me up,
" how dare filth like you touch me" he said a glint of evil in his eyes, a lot of people made jokes but no one really or quite harassed me the way hansol did. As his friends held me back i felt droplets fall from the sky and hit my face.

" let me go, don't you morons have class" I said trying to fight out of their grasp .

" shut up, bitch" he said slapping me across the face . Hansol had shoved and pushed me multiple times tripped me even more but he'd never actually struck me before and I could admit it took me a minute to register what had happened. I started crying as the contact radiated off my pores soon after I was punched in the gut . Then kicked ribs all while being held up by his goons for the assault.

" and just so you remember to respect your superiors" he said reaching into his pocked and a pulling out what looked like rubber. He flicked the device and out came a blade, my ready eyes widened

" no hansol, no, no no, " I yelled while shaking my head

" give me her wrist ". I tried my best to keep it from him but the two of them over powered me with ease. I watched as he brung the blade closer tears streaming like a lake down my face, as I pleaded. I saw the sick smile on hansol's face he was enjoying this . With one swift movement the blade had pierced my skin and I let out a shriek. I heard him laughing his laughter like echos .

" know hopefully you've learned" he said his friends throwing me to the ground I shook and cried in pain as I help my wrist . I heard there footsteps start to fade as the rain began to pour,


Hansol had switched back to his , same old same old after that incident shoving and name calling. We neither I ever mention the incident. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared of him, well atleast what he's capable of . I always wondered why he did the things he did, hansol was the school player , aside from being ugly on the inside on the outside he was very handsome, one of the top students in the school not to mention his father was a company owner. What about me bothered him to the point that he felt the need to bother me , I mean I know differences makes people targets but I never saw how I ever may have inconvenienced him.


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Woo doo hwan: as hansol

Woo doo hwan: as hansol

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Keke palmer as Yeon A

Park bo gum as shihyun

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Park bo gum as shihyun

Park bo gum as shihyun

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Choi Minho as kim bum

Park seo joon as James Kim

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Park seo joon as James Kim

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