Creepy, Unknown, and Abandoned Disney

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Disney is such a large brand that if you haven't heard of it then you must have been living under a rock for the past few decades. So, I'm sure you've all heard of Disney- but have you heard of all it's secrets..?
This book is an explanation and study into things that Disney has abandoned, tried to make unknown, and gotten rid of, not to mention the deaths. Here, in this book, I will explain and question Disney and it's secrets.

Doubt that I know my facts? Well, I am a very very VERY big Disney fan and I know practically all about them. I tell everyone the countless facts and tales about the parks, movies, and company- at least the happy side of it anyway. The dark Disney side is the one less frequented in conversations and less known about. It's full of creepy, unsettling, abandoned, and 'alive' islands, buildings, parks, and dreams.
These are ALL true. None of this is made up. I have done my research and confirmed all the facts. So what you see is actually real..... *scary*

I'm sure that all of you know that Walt Disney helped the FBI so much that he was allowed to film inside their headquarters..?
No? You never heard of it...?
Or the tragic deaths, the most famous being Debbie Stone, on or off Disney property?
At least tell me you've heard of River Country.
Well then, it's about time you find out.

ALSO: Please don't make any rude comments. I will report and delete them. However, please, if you think something is cool, share it and/or comment. I'd really appreciate it if you let me know that you like what I'm doing.

If you find any of what you're about to read.... CREEPY, INTERESTING, COOL, WEIRD, UNSETTLING, ETC....
And want to know MORE.......
Then message me and I'll give you the details...

Have a wonderfully Disney day and look out for U-22,


NOW turn to the next chapter so we can begin.....

Also, a friendly neighborhood warning. Note: There are guards and boats patrolling 24/7. If caught trespassing, you could be subject to 4+ years banishment from any Disney-owned property. It is best not to explore the ruins but to analyze pictures and video. Remember trespassing is illegal and Disney is not afraid to sue or take to any legal action. Why do they do this? Well if you're an idiot like the many people that have gotten themselves killed at Disney- think run over by a monorail or swum near Tom Sawyer Island while intoxicated- then of course Disney is going to get upset because they don't want those unnecessary deaths and especially not a law suit. So please, be careful out there and realize the consequences.

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