Chapter 16

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My parents are wealthy and snobs, lucky for me i managed to escape that life. A preppy school filled with snobbish rich kids, fake friends and fake relationships.

The minute i graduated, i took all the money i had saved and bought an apartment with my best friend, another survivor of the high class tyranny.

My point is, i am no stranger to fancy restaurants but its been so long, i started to feel so uncomfortable around these areas.

"Blaire?" Sebastian asked as soon as i walked in, he stood by the door, presumably waiting for me.

"Evening," i managed to cough out as he led me to our table.

Once we sat down, a waiter came almost immediately with our menus.

"Good evening, I'll be your waiter for this evening," a small brunette waiter introduced, "drinks?"

"I'll have my usual," Sebastien said, barely looking up to acknowledge her.

"Water is fine, thank you" i smiled sweetly and she curved up her lips a little.

"Alright, I'll be right back to get your order" she said, already moving away.

We sat in an awkward silence after that, no one daring to speak.

"I think"

We both chuckled and then he cleared his throat.

"God, how do we even talk about this," He scratches his head nervously and then briefly glances at my stomach.

"Nearly 12 weeks now," I let him know, rubbing my stomach, it was a habit.

"Lovely," He said, clearly still nervous and i smiled at that.

"Maybe, lets get to know each other first? I mean we are going to be parents right?" I suggested and he nodded.

"So does that mean you plan on keeping the baby?" He asked, just as our drinks were being sat down and I froze, i didn't know how to respond.

"Can i take your orders?" The waiter asked after she put down our drinks. Sebastian's usual was white wine.

We gave in our orders and she had quickly left, leaving us in silence again. I then realised that he was waiting for me to respond.

"I don't know," i answered truthfully, "I don't think I'll be able to give it away, at the same time i don't think I'll be able to keep it."

"Well no rush just a few months," he chuckles, "but I'll more than be happy to keep the baby if you still want to figure things out."

"Well i doubt your Fiancee would allow that," it was my turn to throw my head back and laugh.

"She is crazy at time yes, but she wants the baby as much as i do" He said and for some reason he sounded guilty.

"I've grown attached to this baby, I am sorry," I sigh, "keeping it doesn't sound like a bad idea at times."

We again sat in silence. I was pondering on what i just said, i just admitted to loving this baby. Sebastian sat in silence too but i could not guess what he was thinking.

"Well you can't keep it," Blaire, out of nowhere snarls and the next thing i know i am being thrown out of my chair.

So since its my birthday, i thought you guys deserved a little treat💖

I am literally seated in class and the lecturer is talking and i have a lot of messages in my inbox i need to answer.

Have a lovely day, evening or night my amazing readers, i love you❤

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