Chapter 34

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I woke up in a strange bed, groggy and hungry. I tilted my head to the right and notice a small mop of hair and I nearly scream until I noticed the face it came with and everything from last night came rushing back.

"Why would you call him Gavin?" Anna whispered furiously.

We were in the kitchen while Pete was on our couch, probably thinking we were all crazy.

"I thought you two could work things out," he said. I rolled my eyes.

"That was not your place Gavin and you know that," Anna breathed out heavily and paced around our already small kitchen.

"Just go talk to him," I suggested. "Maybe this could turn into a good thing".

"Okay, but you two need to leave".

"Fine, we will be in my room".

"No Blaire, I mean leave the house," she then stormed out of the kitchen and Gavin and I exchanged glances.

Wow. For a pregnant lady, I keep going through stressful situations, can we skip to the part where people are supposed to walk on eggshells not the other way around.

"You are doing that thing where you thing you are mumbling in your head but everyone in the same room as you can still hear you." Gavin yawns and wraps me in a big bear hug.

"You are crushing me Gavin," I squirm against him and finally manage to untangle myself.

"You have that ultrasound today right?"

"Oh fudge muffins, I almost forgot, where the heck is my phone" I got up and looked around for my phone, "I should call Blaire".

"I know being crazy is part of this whole pregnancy thing but are you out of your mind?" Gavin laughed and helped me search for my phone. "She almost tried to kill you."

"She is hurting, I would be too if the baby I had wanted for so long ended up in another woman's womb" I shrugged. He tossed me my phone from the other side of the bed after he pulled it out of his pockets.

"You are an idiot, you had it the whole time?" I said incredulously.

"I wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing first," he takes my hand and squeezes it lightly "You do not have to save everyone Blaire."

"Want to come with me?" I smiled and squeezed his hand right back.

"You know I got you babe," Gavin pulled me into a hug and reminded me how much I appreciated his friendship.


One thing I never thought I would have to do is ask permission to enter my own apartment but then again, I also never thought I would get pregnant like this, so I swallow my pride and knock on the door to beckon Anna.

I hold in a breath as the door opens, waiting to see what mood Anna was in.

"I am a terrible person" she pulls me into a hug, "I kicked out a pregnant woman."

"Can everyone stop calling me that," I smiled into the hug, "You people are lucky that I do not cry every second over the littlest things."

She chuckles and pulls away. "Where is Gavin?"

"He has gone to get lunch for us." I said, leaving out the fact that he was scared of her and wanted to make sure she was in a good mood before showing his face. "Can I enter my apartment now?"

We walk in and the first thing I notice is how clean everything is, like I cleaned it. I look at her now proud face and she pulls me to the couch and sits us down.

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