Chapter 40

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I was overwhelmed. The past week, I had canceled plans to meet Sebastian's Aunt and when he asked whether I still felt awkward about him asking me to move in with him I lied and said I was dealing with other issues. It had not been a total lie. Mia's situation made me feel so guilty, I could have fought harder, and I could have put that monster in jail. I kept contemplating whether or not I should tell Anna. She had been doing so well, I did not want to bring up things of the past.

Anna had been nagging me for days, wondering who the mystery stranger at the door was. Deep down I think she wished it were Pete because though she said she was fine, I could tell that she had developed strong feelings for him.

"Come on Blaire," She said as she finished the last bunch of popped popcorn while I enjoyed the ones that hadn't. "You can tell me who it was, I won't freak out."

"Anna," I whined. "I told you to let it go."

"Please tell me," she pressed on. "I already prepared my heart."

She uncrossed her legs and somehow tangled them with mine so that she could trap me and stare at me, knowing it would make me uncomfortable.

"Geez Anna," I tried to push her off me. "It was not Pete okay?"

She acted unfazed even though I saw her eye slightly twitch. "Fine. Then who was it?"

I let out a frustrated sigh, my annoyance deciding it was time. "It was Dallas."

She rolled her eyes. "That's the big secret?"


"I am sorry Blaire but the only way Dallas coming to visit would be interesting is if you two were back together." She chuckled and then her eyes widened. "Wait are you two-?"

"No! Definitely not." She let out a sigh of relief.

I bit my lip and then said. "He came to talk about David"

She tensed up. "What about David?"

I sucked in a breath. "We need to talk about that night Anna."

"No we don't," She said harshly. "I put that all behind me." She untangled herself from me and tried to stand up but I pulled her back.

"He raped Mia," I informed her, the words still did not sound right to say.

I watched her lips quiver and let out a breathy sigh. "I-"

I wrapped my arms around her and felt her start to shake as the tears came rolling down.

"No one deserves to go through that." She said in between sobs.

I let her cry it all out, remembering how years ago, I held her just like this as she told me in fragments what happened.

We had been chilling after school like we usually did. Anna lay sprawled on my bed as I texted Dallas when he would be free so that we could meet. To my surprise he answered back quickly and informed me that he was with David and that the four of us could grab pizzas for dinner and eat at his place.

"Dallas texted back. Wants us to grab pizza," I informed her. And then with a mischievous glint in my eyes, I turned to her so that I could coo, "And David will be there."

At the mention of his name, Anna froze and sat up before racing to my bathroom and letting out all that she had to eat during the day. I rushed to her side and lifted her hair as she vomited. She started crying and I assumed it was the pain. I rubbed her back soothingly and told her she would be fine.

After rinsing and brushing her teeth, she walked to my bed and started packing her stuff.

"Hey, don't be so eager," I chuckled. "We don't leave until six and it is only five o'clock."

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