Chapter 19

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Jelly beans, a packet full of sweets that are only shaped as beans but taste nothing alike. Different flavours in one packet, a lot of people's favourite candy but definitely not mine.

Which is why i am trying to rationalize why at this very moment, 6 in the morning to be exact, i am putting 5 packets into my basket along with a carton of milk for cereal.

I was about to enter my second trimester according to google and for some reason, i was excited. I looked up foods i could and could not eat and was disappointed that i couldn't have soft cheese, even though it wasn't really a big deal.

I had a tiny baby bump but people could hardly notice it and i was really grateful. I have seen a lot of pregnant girls in college but i definitely didn't want to he one of them, and have people staring at me with those disproving stares.

"Cravings?" The till attendant asked, raising her eyebrow and smirking and me, being the awkward fart i am shook my head.

"I.. Um... I'm buying for a friend," i told her, cause for some reason, i thought, me telling her it was a craving would make her realise that i was pregnant.

"Sweet," She smiled, "I wish i had more friends like you, my friend can hardly bring me toilet paper when i need it"

"That sounds like my friend," i chuckled, "She can hardly clean to save her life."

"Yes! Exactly," She exclaimed gleefully, " its like living with a child."

"She's my best friend though and i love her," I say, a bit more serious now.

"Wouldn't trade mine for anything," She also comments.

All this talk about Anna got me overwhelmed and i suddenly realised how much i have taken her for granted. I suddenly felt like crying.

The till attendant just looked at me crazy and gave me my stuff, i managed to mumble a soft, "Thanks".

Once i got home, the first thing i did was look for Anna. I found her nearly burning something in the kitchen and smiled.

"You look like a creep," she glanced up from her burning pasta, "stop smiling at me."

"You're an amazing best friend Anna," i smiled at the pasta as if it were the best meal ever made. Anna never bothered to cook food cause she knew the outcome, so for her to go against her will and make me something, was huge.

"Sebastian called by the way," she says, finally giving up on saving the pasta and probably about to order takeout.

"Really?" I asked, though i was not really surprised, he has been checking up on me ever since the incidence," What did he want?"

"Just saying hi, then he hang up," she sighed, "he's a strange one, that Sebastian."

"He's not strange," i defend instantly, " I just think he's to used to meeting new people."

"You've only known him for two minutes and you're already backing him up," She chuckles, "how cute."

I had also read on google that pregnant women tend to latch on to their baby daddy's, i sure hope this isn't whats happening cause Blaire would kill me for sure.

Calm down heart.

Hello my amazing and beautiful readers!💕
Heres another update, you can thank #Glorialovesdrake😂... Ive been too lazy to finish this chapter but i am currently waiting to process my ID so i figured now was a great time.

I don't usually like changing P.O.V but if you want me to add Sebastian's please comment and I'll reconsider.
If not, you're also free to tell me No😂

Vote, Comment and be awesome, (who am i kidding, you're already awesome)

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