Chapter 4: Watch Out

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“Do you guys have any plans for today?” mom asked all of us while preparing breakfast with Lucy.

My five brothers, dad, and I, were sitting by the counter waiting for our food.

“I do” Drew said while Lucy placed his plate in front of him and winked at her. “Actually, we all do” he finished.

“Why?” I asked curious and mouthed a “thanks” to Lucy who served my breakfast.

Today we were eating scrambled eggs, arepa and orange juice.

“Em, aren't you going to the premiere of Watch Out? ” Nathan asked after taking a sip of his juice.

Watch Out is the new horror movie that has every human soul in the city eager.

-“Oh, I guess I am, are we going together?”

“With the rest of the guys” Noah answered this time; of course he was referring to the rest of our big group.

Mom took the last bite of her arepa and a drinked from her juice before starting to talk “Sounds amazing, but I was asking because your dad and I are going to have dinner out tonight and if you need anything, this is your time to ask for it.”  She started.

“Money” We all interrupted her, and she gave us a disapproving look. “Please?” Mason said.

“Okay, money it is. And I was going to say that we won't be back until tomorrow afternoon” she finished locking gazes with dad.

“Yummy" Drew chuckled "Apparently someone's having more fun than expected tonight” he stated while wiggling his eyebrows. Noah slapped the back of his head and we all burst out laughing, even Lucy, who was already washing the dishes.

“Shut it. Or all of you will have to find a way to have fun tonight at Ms. Nancy's” Dad said between chuckles, “Uh huh” mom agreed, she had her cheeks as red as a cherry. Poor woman.

“Ok-ayy” we all mumbled.

“Everyone ready?” Mason asked as he walked towards the kitchen's door. The rest of the guys stood up and kissed mom goodbye and gave dad one of those manly hugs, then they all approached to Lucy and kissed her goodbye. I did the same and hurried upstairs to grab my stuff.

As we all walked into the garage, each of us got in our cars and started to dive off in the same order as we always did; First Noah, then Drew, next Jakey who was followed by me, then Nathan and for last Mason. It was something cool as we always get to the first red light at the same time and from there on we make little races toward school.

This time Noah and I got there in first place, Nathan got second, Jakey third, Mason fourth and Drew arrived last.

“I totally won that one baby girl” Noah said as he came out of his yellow Camaro, which is just the same as Bumblebee from the Transformers movie. I really liked it, though.

-“Ha very ha; I don't think so, I arrived first” I answered. The 6 of us were now walking towards the school's entrance.

Something I love from being part of this family is that we are not ashamed of hanging together and letting people know that we are related, it's actually kind of cool to be part of a group of weird people.

“Hon, we both know that I drive way better than you do” he replied and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

-“And, we both know that you are a sore looser and that you'll never admit that your younger sister was able to beat you up” I said.

Jakey got to the entrance first so he pushed the door open, and the guys started go inside, I stepped aside and placed myself behind Noah so I could get in as the other door was closed. He pushed the door open to get inside and right when we walked in, he slammed the door again making me crash with it and hit my forehead in the process.

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