Chapter 2

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Artemis POV
I woke up to see i am in a hospital bed? I dont remember what happened. Then all the memories come to me at once from beginning to the end where my family banished the love of my life while him saying something to me as his last words that meant that saying a lot would be an understatement. I started to cry for everything and the fact that i just got the love of my life back only to see him getting banished down to tartarus. I cried for so long that i fall into slumber.

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I woke up to see Apollo looking down at me concerned.

"Are you ok lil' sis? I cam here was soon as possible when i heard you cry" He asked his voice filled with concern.

"First i am older than you and second i am fine." I can tell he is not convinced but didnt push it which i am grateful for. I stand up and leave his palace/hospital whatever it is and flashed to my hunters camp even though they vote for Per-him i cant even say his name without choking with unshed tears but i do still care for them no matter what. When i arrived at their current campsite all the hunters coming to me asking question like "are you ok" "why are you crying" "what happened" until i get sick of it and shouted them to be quiet. All chatter and talking immediately ceased until only the sound of wild life can be heard. I answered non of the question but told the to give me a full report on what happened since i passed out. From that i learned that i have been unconsious for three months making it almost for the yearly meeting and nothing has happened until now. Since it is almost winter we start to trek towards the place i hate the most Camp-Half Blood. We usually go there when it is winter.
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One of the hunters blow the horn signaling everyone that we have arrived. All the campers including the boys start towards the hills to greet us, much to my dislike but there is nothing we can do about it. And leading them is one of the campers i hate the most after what she had done to him and her name is Anabitch wait i am sorry it is Anabeth Chase.

"Glad to see you here." Anabeth said.

"Whatever chase." I gritting my teeth. When i said that she and the others look confused even my hunters for they never had seen me like this. Usually i say like that to the boys only. My hunters went to my cabin while i go see Chiron to ask what i have missed while i passed out.

"Lady Artemis what can i do for you?" Chiron asked.

"Can you tell me what happen while i passed out?" I asked

"Well there is another war told to come like after some years according to Lord Apollo." He replied

"Anything else?" I asked

"Nothing else milady."

With that i know what i am going to do. I sighed well time to go to the hunters. They will probally asked whats up with me. When i arrived i was proven correct. As soon as i entered they start asking questions. I replied to all of them as honestly as i could without giving away anything that should tell them that i am thinking about him. I sighed two times this day and it is making me pissed off so i go to where we usually meet secretly. A place tgat i liked the most. The place is a cliff, beautiful one that is. The place where only both of us know and the place he proposed to me a day i cannot forget
______________Flash back______________

"Come on i want to bring you somewhere and ask you one question so hurry up." He told me.
I was worried about him as he has this aura surrounding him something i cannot put my finger on. So i followed him. He led me to a cliff that looks out to the sea with the moon reflecting on the water beautifully. It has a very green grass, and the water is very clear. With trees surrounding the area. It is so beautiful that i was so lost in looking at it that i realised Percy, i nick name i gave him since Perseus is too mouthfull, was trying to get my attention. When i get back to the reality, i saw him laughing at me which made me confused.

"You should have seen yourself when you saw this place." He explained seeing my confusion.

"Any way i want to ask you a question," as he got down to one knee,"will you marry me." Opening a ring box revealing a ring fit for the Primordials in my opinion. It says moon beam and seaweed brain forever using his and my nickname.

"Yes!" I said with tears of joy and happiness. He fitted the ring to my ring finger and carrying me bridal style and spinning me aroun while kissing me which i return with the same feriocity he did. We kissed for a a ling time due to our imortality. After that he set me down and sit with me overlooking the sea.

Little did i know that that is the second last time i am going to see him.
---------------Flash back ends-------------------
When i came back to reality i realised i was sitting at the exact same spot i did when he proposed to me with tears running down my face.
____________to be continued___________

"Cherish every moment you have wheter it be good or bad you will never know that it will be the last time you do it"

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