Chapter 3

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Percy POV
I am falling.
Falling endlessly.
Is all i can see.
Falling for what seems like years i finally see a river. I plunged into it and realised too late that this is the river of Styx.
Pain is all i can feel. Endless pain. Suddenly it all stop and infront of me is a very beautiful lady. With a hour glass body, long dark purple coloured hair flowing down to her waist, and pale skinned. I bowed infront of her realising who she is.

"Lady Styx, sorry for intruding in your river as i have fallen into here for those un grateful Gods." I told her before she can say anything.

"I see i was wondering why you are here. Anyway it was alright, i will take you to the river bank. You are well aware that you are in tartarus correct?" Styx replied.

"Ah, yes i do but before that i shall do something as a gift of gratefulness from me." I said while walking towards the middle and sat cross-legged and started to chant under my breath. "Rwy'n perseus trwy hyn yn pwrpas yr afon hon o bob anhwylderau a negyddol, felly dyma fy ngweddi ac atebwch fi." I chanted. Slowly the river start to purify itself from all impurities and negativity. Seeing this Styx jumped up and down saying thank you over and over again. Until i start to feel dizzy and start to lose consiousness.
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I woke up with a head splitting headache. Groaning i sat up on a bed?
I look around myself and see i am in a white room. Until the door opened and in came Styx.

"Ah, glad to see you awake i thought you are dead from using all that power and energy. Anyway thank you and a gift i give you my blessing or what you people call the Curse of Achillies." She said.

"Your welcome and thank you milady."

"Enough formalities anyway off you go." With that she sent me to the river bank. I turned and saw the river in its glory being pure and all. I smiled geniunely happy after what i have done trust me it has been a long time. I sighed ever since me erasing Artemis's memory i havent smiled that much, whenever i smiled it is either fake or a sad smile. Speaking of Artemis i wonder how is she doing. Deciding on that i used my powers and see her on our secret spot crying. Seeing her like that made me felt guilty after all she got her memories of me only for me to fall to Tartarus. So with that i promised to myself that i will get out of here whatever it takes. So i went in search of the river of Phlegethon or the river of fire hoping that in following it i may get out of here. Encountering monsters which never stops coming i decided to change direction and went to Dasmen's hut. I hope he is fine or atleast alive. After 'talking' to monsters for the directions i arrived. I decided that i will train myself to the max so that i can protect Artemis better from anything that is dangerous even though she can take care of herself, better be safe than sorry.
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Every day i will wake up and run around the perimeter of the swamp which trust me is very long even doing it the first time i collapsed on the ground panting even not reaching half of the total distance and i have a lot of stamina. Then i would train all my powers which includes hydrokinesis, pyrokinesis, mind control (practice it with monsters), time, all the elements, the ability to find and see through a person eyes (Artemis mainly), levitation, and telepathy. After that i would train in every weapon and yes also the bow so i can challenge Artemis and prove her that just because you are a god it does not mean you are perfect. Then i would meditate to let my mind have the proper nerve connections. Then i would improve on Dasmen's hut and my blacksmithing skills. After that i would rest and the cycle repeats. I wonder if killing a monster and they coming back make them dumber as i have killed the minotaur for liked forty times and it still came back killing me not even bother changing his style. Oh well it's better for me i guess.
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After years upon years of traing i was perfect in every weapon that i can even beat the primordials with them and i can create storms and control people at the same time for a long time without even breaking a sweat and i have changed Dasmen's hut into more like a billionare's mansion/castle. With that i venture out to travel around Tartarus since i needed a change of scenery. I found a castle looking place and decided to sneak inside only to find my favorite Titan please note the scarcasm Kronos. I decided to kill him. Using the element of surprise i managed to land a fatal blow on him resulting him in bellowing in rage and pain. He turned around blindly trying to find who did it. But i hide in the shadows which i also trained myself in and to become one with them. Throwing my blades at him all landing in fatal blows and killing him but not before he cursed me with the Curse of Monsters which lucky me i know what is it. The curse is one of the most deadly ones. It is designed to make the bearer slowly go insane as each monster the bearer kills as it's essence is abosorbed and so in a way the monsters live inside your head and it will make you go insane should you not make peace with it. But it also have it's advantages as every monster you kill you will have its powers, skills, and it's memories. So as i kill monsters i make peace with them and soon all the monsters and other living creatures there know me as shadow wraith or the One-Eyed king as i move in the shadows and i wear a human like mask with mechanics in them an it shows only one of my eyes and it is usually red with the monster i have. Slowly my appearance and attidute changes. My hair becomes longer and white, my eyes become  red and i became more animalistic and my hand turned to a monster one as i lost it in a fight. My outfit also changed.

==========Time skip==============I decided to venture out again coming across a building filled with monsters so i decided to check it out as monsters do not crowd like this unless there is something worthy inside it

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==========Time skip==============
I decided to venture out again coming across a building filled with monsters so i decided to check it out as monsters do not crowd like this unless there is something worthy inside it. Killing my way inside i went down to the dungeons after hearing that there is someone inside. Checking all the cells until i found one that is occupied. Inside was a beautiful women lying with clothes ripped almost making her naked on the ground curling around herself for warmth looking closer i realise who she is.


__________to be continued_____________

"There will be a time in our lives where we will have to fight the monster inside us or surrender to it."

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