Chapter 4

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'Please just go away.' I said just load enough for who ever was knocking on the other side of the door. 'Maddie open the door.' Michael said calmly. 'Please just go.' I said once again. 'Maddie if your still the Maddie I knew then we both know it's a bad idea for you to cry by yourself.' He said trying to open the door again. 'I'm not the same Maddie anymore.' I whispered. 'Just go!' I screamed through the wood door that stood between us. I heard a sigh before footsteps walking away. Letting out another sob I realized just how much this has hurt me through out the years.

The pain has never left sense sophomore year in high school. I was 16 when my mother dropped me and my baggage off at rehab. She never contacted me sense then. When we left England to move to Australia I was 6, that was when everything started. I was scared of everyone besides Michael and Linda Robbins my teacher at the time. After we moved my mother became well not a mother, she worked all the time and never payed much attention to me. The only times she really was a 'mother' was when we hosted parties or went to parties after the move at least. When we lived in England she was the best mother ever. The worst came the end of freshman year, I just turned 14. I believed everyone besides Michael and the Robbins family, that everyone was monsters. Monsters because of the mistakes that they make, I didn't know most of the mistakes people had made, it was just like a second nature to me to believe that. When I was 15 I was diagnosed with OCD. A very rare case of OCD. Doctors had said that everyone has a inner demon, that demon as in a problem that you know you have but you just can't face the truth that, that problem was a problem. So my doctor had me on 4 different medication to try and control my 'problem'. My doctor had realized 2 months before my 16th birthday that really that 'problem' was caused by to much stress. My mother never believed it though, she wanted to believe that I was a perfect angel so to speak like her. She finally got tired of me and my so called 'problems' 3 months after I turned 16. Witch then lead to her dropping me of at rehab. Rehab that was many and many miles away so she would never have to see me. It didn't help that a month an a half before my mother dropped me off Michael and I got into a huge fight. Fighting between Michael and I was very rare, we never fought it just wasn't our thing. We never had any reason to, we always agreed on everything, we had different taste in music such as he liked music such as Eminem and i liked music such as what he called 'silly boy bands'. We had our silly little friend fights like what music is better but never real fights like the one we had before rehab. That fight was the one fight we ever had, but i guess its true when people say that 'one fight can end a 'friendship.' I just never thought that would of happened to us, we where so close, we went every where together. We had the typical friendship bracelets, we never thought that one fight could of ended our friendship.

I sighed once again realizing that I some how ended up on my queen sized bed. Getting up and walking over to the bathroom connected to my room, i looked in the mirror. My green-gray eyes seemed more dull then ever with also being red and puffy from crying. My brown hair was down to my lower back that was currently put into a high pony tail. As I wiped the tears of my face I heard chattering down stairs then footsteps walking up the stairs. I walked out of the bathroom into my room when i heard a knock at my door.

'Who is it?' I asked softly hoping it's not Michael. 'It's me Linda sweaty open the door.' Walking over to the door and opening it i see that Linda is there wearing a sweat smile. 'Dinner is ready' she said. 'I'm not hungry.' i said back to her. 'You must eat.' She said giving me that look a parent would give their kids.'fine' i said sighing which caused her to smile. As we walked down the stairs the chartering i heard from before increased in volume. 'Well it can't be that bad.' Some boy said from what sounded like came from the kitchen. 'Oh trust me she hates me.' Michael said. 'What did you do?' another boy said. 'I don't know that's the thing, one day we were best friends the next it was like I killed her puppy.' Michael answered before he noticed Linda and I walked into the kitchen. Two boys I didn't know who, and Michael all turned around on the chairs to look at me.

I stepped back not wanting all the stares on me, 'um- I'm ah gonna- ah.' i tryed speaking but not getting out a audible sentence. Linda grabbed my shoulders before i could run out of the room, 'Madlie. Listen to me hunny.' she said trying to lock eyes with me. As i looked up meeting her gaze I was already shaking in fear. 'Their not going to hurt you, It's Michael, he was your best friend before everything happened. The other two boys are Calum and Ashton. Their not going to hurt you.' She said in a motherly voice. I nodded my head taking in a deep breath telling myself repeatedly that their not going to hurt me. 'Hi, Madlie I'm Calum and this is Ashton.' The boy who's name I now know to be Calum said pointing to himself then to the boy Ashton next to him. 'Hi.' I whispered still fearing everything around me. Looking over to Michael I see he's already starring at me, wearing a frown on his lips. 'Alright who wants home made steak and cheese pizza?' Linda asked making me look away from Michael's intense stare. I smiled over at her as Calum and Ashton both yelled yes making me flinch. Thankfully no one saw me flinch as I covered it up by walking over to the only open chair which was between Michael and Linda. 'So where's the kids?' Ashton asked grabbing two slices of pizza and putting them on his plate. 'I asked April to watch them over night so Madlie can get settled in.' Linda answered. 'April Johnson?' I questioned suprised. 'Yeah, after everything happened April was really supportive and also helped out watching the kids sometimes.' Linda smiled at me answering. 'Supportive to what.' I scuffed. 'You don't know?' Michael asked just as surprised as I was from my last question. 'Know what Michael?' I snapped at him. He sighed looking down at his lap. 'My ah, parents, they ah gave me up two years ago' He said obviously not being able to finish his sentence. 'Oh my god.' I whispered. 'I'm sorry Michael.' He looked up locking eyes with me, smiling lightly he nodded his head taking in the apology. 'They didn't care about me so why spend time caring about them?' He said getting up from his chair throwing his napkin onto the table walking away. 'Michael!' Ashton said getting up to go after him. 'Wait! i'll go after him.' I said also getting up and walking out the door.

If only I knew what I was getting myself into from coming home.


Hey my amazing readers! I'm so sorry I'm late on updating! I know I know! I'm sorry it's short to, and I also know the first couple chapters are kind aborning but just wait! it will pick up I promise!!! the next chapter will be what you all want I swear it will have an amazing talk between Madlie and Michael!!

Thanks for reading!!


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