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An :Thanks to all who read my fanfic and I hope you enjoyed it.As you may or may not have noticed I'm still new to writing and thought a fanfic will be the best place to start.Well enjoy.

10 years later

Sam's P.O.V

I wake up next to my two favorite ladies Cat and Katie my 5 and a half year old daughter and smile.I peck the both on the cheek and groggy get out of bed.I make my way to the kitchen where I find someone already there making a cup of coffee.

"Morning John."I greet and he nods

"Morning Sammy.Want a cup of coffee."He asks and I nod.I sit on the kitchen counter and he places the coffee in front of me.I take a sip of my coffee and he sighs."Who would have thought raising kids was so hard."

"I hear you.The little devil kept me awake all night yesterday."I whine and he chuckles

"Be lucky you only have one.I was cursed with twins."

"Sucks to be you."

"I'm just glad today is Saturday and we don't have to go to work."

"Morning guys."Says Jade with a yawn as she enters the kitchen and we nod.

"Morning Jade."We say in sync and she kisses Johnny on the cheek then takes his coffee making him sigh.He makes another cup and soon another person enters the kitchen."Morning Homies."

"Morning."We all greet in sync and Cat heads over to the stove."Guess I should start making breakfast for the kids."

"I'll help."Johnny offers.The two of them are the only ones who know how to cook for the kids so we can't help them.Me and Jade always end up burning or undercooking them but we are getting better.

The last ten years went by way too fast.Johnny and Jade were blessed with two twins a boy and a girl while me and Cat have a girl.After me and Cat got Jobs we wanted to start our new life in our own home but Johnny and Jade didn't want to break the family so we ended up staying.

Yesterday was Friday so the kids kept us all up the whole night.I don't know how a human child could possess so much energy.They sure take a lot out of us but we can't complain.

The kids walk into the living room chasing each other and start going in circles around the table.Jade buries her head on the table and I sigh."This is physically impossible."

"Kids quit running around and take a sit."Says Johnny and they do as they are told.Somehow the kids get along with Johnny and never seem to disobey him.Maybe it's because they spend more time with him since us three are always at work and he works from home.

Hours Later

"Zack,Julie,Katie don't go too far."Says Johnny and they nod.He walks over to us and sits on a chair next to Jade."Parenting is too tough."

We were currently at the beach because apparently Johnny promised the kids to bring them if they behaved.I must say I was pretty surprised at his parenting skill.It's my first time seeing a guy take care of kids like that.

"Wow Johnny I'm impressed."Says Jade and Johnny raises an eyebrow."About what."

"The way you handle the kids.You are like a fairy God mother."

"Well I practically spend the whole day with them so it's no big deal.I just wish you guys could help me o-."He yawns and falls asleep making Jade smile.

"Aunt Sam we are having a sand castle building contest and I need a partner so..."Says Zack while flicking his foot back and forth and I smile

"I'd love to."I stand up and Cat and Jade fold their arms.

"What about us."They complain and little Zack smiles."You can come too."

We split into two teams with Cat,Julie and Katie and me,Zack and Jade on the other and began building our Castles.

A few moments later our team was done.We all look at the castle is admiration and smile.The three of us make a perfect team I mean me and Jade are not really girlish.

We look at the other team and they are done as well.We look at their sand castle and I smirk.

"Not Bad but as you can see you're beat."I gloat and Cat smirks.

"Over confident as always huh Sam but I can understand I mean you're intimidated by our masterpiece."Cat gloates back

"Well we can argue about this or we can ask someone to judge."Jade states and we all nod.We all turn to the sleeping Johnny and smile.

Jade walks over to Johnny and we can see her waking him up and asking but Johnny shakes his head in disinterest.She says something which looks like it's not for the ears of a person under the age of 18 and Johnny's eyes become wider than a softball.He grabs a pair of sunglasses and they both walk towards us.

"Alright you all put a lot of effort into this waste of time but there can only be one winner."He walks over to the other's sand castle an carefully examines it then nods.He then walks over to ours and examines it then nods."After careful examination I can safely say the all girls team wins."

"Man you have no appreciation of art whatsoever."I complain and he rolls his eyes.

"No body cares about art.Anyways time for a family pic now everyone stand over there please."He points in front of the ocean and we all line up there.He gives someone who was passing by his phone and Stood next to Jade and the guy took the picture.

There we were a big happy family.Our family was a special one and I was proud of it.With my wife,my brother and my sister in law along with our kids by my side I know I can take on whatever the the world throws at me.

I'd like to say the end but I know the story is just beginning


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