Chapter 33

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I groaned waking up in pain as my head hit something hard. I sat up quiet realizing I was in a car moving. It was still dark outside and I turned to see him driving quietly. I looked back out the window then back to him. "Harry?" I whispered tiredly and his head turned to me "Hmm?" "Where are we going?" he turned away focusing on the road as I waited. "Away for a while"

My heart dropped as I stared at him confused. Away? I didn't want to go away with him. "Where?" I whispered trying to keep myself calm. I didn't want to but, he seemed to be himself... For now. I can't piss him off. "A place so we can spend time together... alone and fix the issues we're dealing with. Too many people here, I just need you" he whispered grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

He pulled my hand to his mouth to kiss it but all I could do was stare at him scared. He looked over smiling but I looked out the window. "We can work it out love, we can get what we had before. I know that's what you want... that's all I want too. So, we're gonna make it happen"

Yes I wish it could work out. But, that side keeps fucking up any chance. Now I was losing hope but, he didn't. He acted like none of it ever happened. Like we just had a crazy argument instead of the fucking crazy side of him coming out to have me. He blacked out but, I remembered it all.

"Jordan" he called in a hard voice as he touched my thigh squeezing it. I continued looking out the window trying to ignore him until he screamed my name. I looked over to see his face hard.

Stay on his good side

"S-sorry" I whispered in a cracking voice. He nodded as we got off at an exit then soon stopped at a light. His hand came up to my chin making me face him again and he leaned in. "I love you" he whispered and I was so happy he didn't wait for a response before kissing me.

"I'm going to show you we can get better. Once we get to London you'll under-" He head snapped to him "London?" I demanded and he chuckled nodding. "I wanted to go back sometime, you wanted to visit... Perfect time. While they're in California"

I looked out the window not responding as tears started to form. I didn't want to be alone with him, I didn't even want to be near him. But, I couldn't anger him anymore.

I so stupid for this. I was in the same position I was before only, I had zero chance of actually getting away.


"Are you hungry?" he asked and I shook my head not even looking at him. We were at the the airport and all I could focus on was thinking of a way out of here. I used the bathroom twice and he waited outside, no fucking windows in the bathroom either. Failed attempt.

"You haven't eaten in a whole day. You need something" he whispered and I shook my head. "I'm fine" I stated in a cracked, tired voice hoping he would just drop it. Food was the last thing on my mind right now. I needed a way out of this but, how? I looked around seeing people ready to board planes and some arriving but what made me feel worst, were the couples.

I looked at all the couples together holding hands, kissing, hugging, just seeming so in love. I couldn't hate them for their love but, I envied it. Why couldn't I just get a man to love me with no complications. Something was always wrong and I didn't understand. I wanted it, that's all I wanted but, I wasn't that lucky.

Tears were forming again and I quickly wiped them away.

"Jordan?" he whispered but I didn't respond. He called me again but I couldn't help crying harder turning away. He touched my back and I pulled away getting up running. "Jordan" he yelled and the next second he pulled me back. He tightly grabbed me tightly so I couldn't move away. "Let me go" I cried fighting. I couldn't go through with this.

"Just calm do-" "No please just let me go home. I don't want to go. Please Harry, if you love me you'll let me go" I froze at the growl in his chest. No. I closed my eyes tight crying into his chest. "I can't let you go. I want this to work Jordan-" "It's not all about you Harry, I don't want to go. I don't want this to happen. Please"

"We will come back, it's just a break. Please just give me a week to show you I'm better" BETTER?! He wasn't better, he just killed Travis last night. "I don't keep calm when someone touches you. I warned him" he stated and all I did was stand here crying. "I don't want to go to London... not now"

"I didn't want you to leave me but... You did, for over a month. You'll get over it... I'm bringing you to London with me, we will fix everything, I will show you how much I want this and you will love me again" he stated determined then kissed my head. Was this Harry or was this the other side?

"Is everything alright here?" A man asked but I didn't move. Not like him being here would help me. He would kill anyone who tried to stop this. I didn't want another death on my hands "I know you're trying to get out of this but, I will always be one step ahead" he whispered.

"Yeah. She has a really bad fear of flying. Trying to overcome it now... You're okay right?" he asked me. I nodded knowing anything against him right now would end bad. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, they called our plane.

My knees buckled and he caught me quickly. "Don't do this" I whispered. He completely ignored me pulling away. "Maybe we'll need another week" I shook my head panicking "No-" "We're not coming back till I feel like we are where we were before you left for Cali. Two days before.

We might be there forever then. He was the problem but, he didn't want to acknowledge it. Until he got it under control we would never get back to where we were.

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