Your loves a fucking drag but I need it so bad

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Dallon's POV:

I haven't been looking forward to this day at all. Going back home was hard especially after being around Brendon for so long. He helped me when I was at my lowest. Now I'm all alone with only myself and the voices.

When I finally walked into my house I saw my voice mail flashing. I picked up my phone to listen to them. Most of them were just telemarketers trying to sell me something. There was a voice mail from Ryan that I listened to.

"Hey Dallon. I know you're still in the hospital but I heard Brendon's letting you back in the band. So when you get out just call me back and tell me what we're gonna do with IDK How."

The next couple messages were more telemarketers. And the last message was from someone I would've never thought would call me.

"Um... Uh h-hi I'm sorry this is stupid. It's Josh. You know from the hospital. I-I know I'm the last p-person you wanna talk to but it's almost been two months since Tyler died and I-I need someone to talk to. I know you and him were f-friends and fuck! I just need help. Please call me back."

The message ended after that. I pressed the recall button and found his number. I called him back right away. After three rings he finally answered.


"Hey is this Josh?"

"Yes. Who's this?"

"It's Dallon. Did you still want to talk to me?"

"Oh yeah sure do you wanna meet me at the bar down town?"

"Sure what time?"

"How's nine o'clock?"

"Nine's fine see you tonight."


Once nine o'clock rolled around I was on my way to the bar that I was meeting Josh at. I parked my car in the parking lot and headed inside. I saw Josh sitting at the bar with two drinks.

"You didn't have to buy me one," I said.

"Hey you came to meet me here it's the least I could do."

"Well thank you. So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked taking a sip of my drink.

But that is all I could remember before I blacked out. I didn't think I had that much to drink. I woke back up I don't know how much later and I was in a car. I blacked out again. I woke back up and I was in somebody's house. I saw Josh in the room so I assumed it was his house.

I wanted to ask Josh how I got here but for some reason I just couldn't control my body to move my mouth.

Josh came into the room grabbed my hand and pulled me to his bedroom. He laid me down on the bed. I figured he was just giving me a place to sleep. I must have gotten black out drunk and he's just trying to give me a place to sleep.

Josh left the room then came back in a couple seconds later. He walked up to me. He grabbed my pants. What the hell is he doing. I tried to push him off of me but it's like I couldn't control my body at all.

He pulled down my pants and started groping me. I wanted to stop him but I couldn't. I started realizing something was really wrong. If I was drunk I should've been able to fight him off.

He pulled my boxers down. I wanted to scream. Stop! Get off of me!

I blacked out again and woke back up to Josh fucking me. No! Stop it! Let me go! I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I couldn't move. That's when I realized that I was probably drugged. How could I have been so stupid.

I blacked out again and when I woke up I had no idea where I was or what happened last night. I looked down and I realized I was naked. And Josh was laying next to me.

I started freaking out. Did me and josh have sex last night?

Your such a terrible boyfriend.

You cheated on Brendon.

You don't deserve him.

You don't deserve anyone.

You deserve to die.

I started crying because for the first time the voices were correct. I tried calling Brendon for help but I got his voice mail. There was only one thing I could think of doing.

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