Whether near or far I am always yours

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Brendon's POV:

I couldn't go to Dallon's funeral. I couldn't even get out of bed. I've been like this since he died. It's like he took a part of me with him.

Kenny eventually showed up at my door trying to get me out of bed.

"Come on B you can't just sleep forever."

"What if I want to sleep forever. If Dallon's not alive why should I live?"

"Don't talk like that Bren."

"It's true. I wanna die."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do! I wanna be with Dallon!"

"Brendon calm down. Look at me. You're just saying that cause your upset."

"No I'm not. I wanna die. I'll just starve myself to death. Or I'll buy a gun and shoot myself."

"Don't say that Brendon."

"Why not."

"Because you don't mean it. Now get up."

"Fine." I got up and I ran out the door.

Kenny's POV:

I chased Brendon out of the house but I couldn't keep up with him. I had to call for help.

"Hey Kenny what's up?"

"Hey Zack I stopped by Brendon's place and tried to get him out of bed but he ran away. I was wondering if you could help me find him?"

"Yeah I'll be there soon. Which way did he run?"

Brendon's POV:

I ran towards the interstate. I walked across one of the bridges above the interstate. I climbed over the ledge. I wanted to jump so badly. I wanted to join Dallon. But what if heaven doesn't exist. What if I don't get reunited with Dallon. I guess sleeping forever is better than living in a world without Dallon. I was about to jump when someone stopped me.

"Brendon what the hell are you doing! I know your not this stupid!" Zack yelled from his vehicle.

He was pulled over to the side of the street. There were also some police cars starting to stop under the bridge. Shit.

"Leave me alone!"

"I'm not going anywhere until you climb back over that rail."

"Make me!"

"Brendon Boyd Urie I swear to god if you make me climb over that rail to get you I'm going to quit!"

Suddenly an officer walked up to me.

"Brendon you don't want to do this. Think about everybody that loves you."

"The only person I care about is dead."

"Well I don't think he'd want you to die as well."

"You don't know him."

"I know his name was Dallon and he suffered with and eating disorder and hearing voices. And I know he wouldn't have wanted you to suffer also."

"Well he should've thought about that before he killed himself."

"I think your friends out here would be thinking the same thing if you jumped off this bridge."

I turned around and notice Zack, Kenny, and Dan all watching me.
What am I doing. They were right. Dallon wouldn't want me to do this. I started crying. I hadn't cried since Dallon first died. It hurt to feel this. I didn't want to feel it. But I knew killing myself wasn't the answer.

I turned around to climb back over the rail. I was about to lift my leg over when I slipped. As I was falling I saw my life flash before my eyes. I thought of how much time I had with Dallon and how I didn't use up my time properly. I should've told him I loved him more often. Then maybe he'd still be alive. I should've never left him alone. That's when everything went black.


"Welcome home Brendon."

"I missed you Dallon."

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