Ch 25

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Paulien stood in the door way mouth opened stuttering words WHOA BABY SHES TALKING TO SHAWN MENDES! She had bought tickets to meet him at playlist in a few weeks and she hasn't stopped talking about how excited she was to finally meet him, guess she was a little caught off guard to see him tonight.

I walk over to the drink table to grab a few beers and I meet Sam at the couch listening to Connor tell everyone how him and jenn are now officially a couple. "Congrats jenn! It's about time you guys made it official!" I tease as hit Connor in the shoulder. I have become so close to Connor these last few months I'm so happy to have a good friend like him.

After a while of sitting inside listening to Ricky tell how he got his foot stuck in a bucket I decide to walk outside by the fire to get some air. I walk outside and sit in The double swing facing away from the doorway. No one is outside but there are scattered beer cans and lawn chairs throughout the yard. I swung back in forth on the swing starring at the fire. Realizing how tired I really am "Uh hey, need some company ?" I turn around to see Alex standing in the doorway his fingers running through his dark brown hair.

"Yeah sure,we need to catch up anyways" I responded

"I agree but first why are you out here alone it's 1:30am ?" Alex said. He moved toward me and sat next to me on the swing.

"I don't know, thought I would enjoy the fire and get away from everyone."

"Oh I see, what about that boyfriend of yours why isn't he with you?"

"Sam? He's drunk in the living room playing cards"

"You don't like it when he drinks do you?"

"Why bring up sam? just say what you want to say" i knew Alex wanted something.

"Mads,I want to start over and i think you should give me a chance." Alex said beginning to run his fingers through his hair again.

"Alex I think we should just be friends right now, i really like Sam he's a good guy." Alex took this opportunity to move closer closing the gap between us and setting his hand on my leg.

"You're really cold... here take my sweatshirt" Alwx pulled off his nike sweatshirt handing it to me, without hesitation i pulled the sweatshirt over my head.

"Thank you!" I smiled. knowing Alex I didn't think he would give me his favorite sweatshirt. but yet again I was the one to buy him this sweatshirt when we were dating.

"You're welcome babe" Alex said acting like everything was back to when we were dating. I sighed after he said that looking toward him to make eye contact. he slowly moved toward me making our lips only inches apart.

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