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Yugyeom didn't wake up in his bed.

When he opened his eyes the next morning, he was in a strange room. He was laying, half-naked, on the ground of someone's bedroom, a thin blanket wrapped around his legs. Next to him was Bambam, also with his shirt off, his face pressed on Yugyeom's bare chest.

Yugyeom glanced around the room. Chris was on the bed, alcohol bottles scattered around him. Changbin and Felix were wrapped around each other on the couch.

Yugyeom started to sit up, Bambam sliding off of him without waking up. His head was pounding with a headache, and his arm burned for some reason. He looked down and saw a big band-aid on the place where his arm burned. He peeled it off slowly.

On his arm, which was swollen and red, was a tattoo. A red rose, to be more specific.

"Shit", he whispered, looking around. This was the second Sunday in a row he had woken up with a pounding headache and no idea what had happened the night before.

Yugyeom looked down, debating on waking Bambam up. He shook him carefully, and then harder. Nothing.

He stood up, moving to the bed and slowly shaking Chris. "Chris, wake up."

Chris groaned then opened his eyes, staring at Yugyeom drowsily. "What? Oh, goddamnit that hurts."

Chris clutched his head and sat up. He gazed around the room and then laughed. "Why are you all in my room?"

Yugyeom shook his head. "I don't know. I don't remember anything from last night."

Chris thought for a second. "Hm, I don't either. What do you want for breakfast?"

Yugyeom stared at Chris in confusion. "Are you not even bothered about the fact that you don't remember anything from last night?"

Chris shook his head. "Nope. I'm gonna make some brekky."

He hopped out of bed, grabbing a pair of jeans off the floor and putting them on. Yugyeom slowly followed him, grabbing his white t-shirt off the ground and putting it on as well.

Chris led him upstairs to the kitchen, grabbing a box of cereal out of the cupboard and filling up five bowls. Yugyeom watched him from the doorway. Chris then got out a bottle of aspirin, offering a handful to Yugyeom. The taller boy took them gratefully.

"Sit down and eat your cereal", Chris ordered, pointing to the small table. Yugyeom sat down obediently.

"Where are your parents?"

Chris chuckled. "I don't know. Probably still in Australia."

Yugyeom eyes widened. "They let you move here alone?"


Yugyeom's eyebrows drew together in confusion. "Are you a runaway?"

Chris nodded like it was casual conversation. "I'm gonna go get the others up real quick. Eat your damn cereal."

Yugyeom ate his damn cereal while he waited for the others to show up. Several minutes later, Bambam stumbled his way into the kitchen, collapsing in the seat across from Yugyeom. He was still shirtless, his hair going in all different directions.  

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