Chapter 15- Fated Love

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The Same Day
New York Hospital
New York City


“Sooooo… The night is young. Where are we off to?” Amphitrite asked.

“This is New York City! A city that never sleeps! We can go anywhere!” Aerith replied.

Right now, I still can’t believe that they are my friends. But there was this warm feeling inside me whenever I looked at them. Because of that, I knew without a doubt that they were really my friends.

They were so beautiful and they looked so sophisticated. They held themselves like… queens; like royalty!

Amphitrite had hair as red as fire. It shimmered whenever she moved her head. She had green eyes which reminded me of jade. Aerith, on the other hand, had hair as pale as snow. And then she had eyes that were so blue they looked violet. Wait, on second thought, I think they really are violet.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Theo walking towards us. Conversation immediately stopped and I saw my friends looking at him. I also saw Aerith elbow Amphitrite.

Theo stopped beside me and smiled.

“Good evening, ladies,” he greeted.

Aerith and Amphitrite exchanged meaningful glances.

I coughed. “Ladies, this is Theo. Theo, this is Aerith and Amphitrite. Zeus brought them here. He said they are my friends,” I told him.

“Nice to meet you, ladies. I’m Theo Dimitriou, Hera’s doctor,” he said with a small incline of his head.

Aerith nodded to Amphitrite who just shrugged. I frowned. It was as if there was a whole conversation going on between them that I knew nothing about.

Aerith nudged Amphitrite who then cleared her throat. “Err… Hi. We were going to take Hera out for dinner and some catching up if that’s okay?”

“It’s fine. She needs to be with her friends,” he replied and then reached inside his coat and handed them his business card. “Call this number if you need anything.”

“Will do!”

“I’ll leave you ladies. Have a nice night!” Theo turned around then he seemed to hesitate. He went back. “I just have to get this off my chest… You said your name was Amphitrite, correct?”

Amphitrite frowned but she nodded. “I don’t suppose you’re married to Poseidon?” Theo asked.

My friend smiled and nodded. Theo let loose a bark of laughter then stopped himself and shook his head. “I’m sorry… It’s nothing. I gotta go…” he replied. Then he left, and we heard his laughter once more. All three of us exchanged glances.

“That guy is hotttt,” Aerith commented.

“Rawr. I second the notion. But he seems to be a bit daft, though,” Amphitrite mused.

“What’s with the asking you about Poseidon and then laughing thing?” Aerith asked.

“Err… Before… When Zeus introduced himself, he laughed too. I think it’s our names and the connection to Greek mythology which he finds funny,” I answered.

How to Reform a Rake (Myths Finding Love #3) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now