Dumbledore? Seriously?

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Valkyrie smiled as Alice jumped off of the bus, clad in her black robes and school tie, her squeals of joy contagious as she grabbed Valkyrie's hand and yanked her off the bus towards the Warner Bros. Studio. Skulduggery was silent as he got off the bus after them, his facade hiding any emotion he could have been feeling.

Valkyrie looked back at him as they walked and frowned, "What's up with you?" she asked, clicking her fingers in his face to get his attention. He looked at her and they stopped walking. Alice started tugging on Valkyrie's sleeve, chanting Harry Potter's name for all ears to hear. An elderly couple passing by smiled at Alice. Valkyrie crossed her arms, waiting for Skulduggery to answer.

Whatever Valkyrie had been expecting to hear, it wasn't what came. "I've never been here before," he said after a moment, his voice filled with awe, "I may be wrong, but I think I may be feeling a little excited"

Valkyrie raised her eyebrow at him and silence settled. She then burst out laughing, in which Alice hesitantly joined in. He looked back defiantly, about to defend himself. After a few moments, Alice stopped laughing and lost any patience she may have once had, managing to grab both Skulduggery and Valkyrie and tug them inside. Valkyrie almost tripped over her laces several times. She cursed under her breath as Skulduggery shot her an amused grin.


The tour guide was boring and spoke in a monotone voice. Valkyrie slumped towards the doors of the Great Hall with a lot less enthusiasm than Alice, resisting the urge to punch the dude in the face. She could already feel the sulk rising on her face.

She glanced at Skulduggery and stifled a smile as she saw him gazing up at the doors, his mouth wide open. He caught her eye and instantly snapped his mouth shut, embarrassment flushing on his cheeks. She went to mock him but was interrupted by the tour guide he hushed them all with a long, dull hush.

"And now," the tour guide says in an unimpressive drawl, "we will be going into the Great Hall. Are there any volunteers to open the door?"

Valkyrie shoves Skulduggery to the front as a bunch of younger kids also volunteer and he stumbles slightly, looking back at her, glaring fiercely as she laughs silently at him. He turns back around, ignoring the baffled look of the tour guide as he pushes the doors open with all the little kids. Alice jumps up and down in anticipation, causing Skulduggery to involuntarily smile.

They walked into the Great Hall, hushed whispers and excited giggling all around as the kids looked around in wonder and joy. Valkyrie nudged Skulduggery slightly and leaned in so he could hear her, "They remind me of you" she whispers into his ear, grinning at him. He elbows her back in response, narrowing his eyes at her slightly, fighting the urge to smile. He goes to retort when he catches a glimpse of something behind her, his eyes widening slightly.

Valkyrie catches this action and spins around quickly, turning back around slowly with an amused look on her face. The tour guide takes this moment to wander off, and all the little kids rush to the front of the hall, studying outfits and props. Skulduggery walks towards the front, his footsteps steady and long, his eyes straight ahead. Alice stops squealing long enough to frown at him, tugging on Valkyrie's sleeve as she points. Valkyrie stares, not quite believing what she was seeing, another smile edging onto her face.

Skulduggery tentatively put Dumbledore's robe on, his skinny frame drowning in them. He faced the front of the hall, head up and proud as he stood behind the podium. He cleared his throat, and said in a loud clear voice "very best of evenings to you all". The children stopped running around, looking quizzically at him as the adults mumbled to each other, amused. The tour guide comes forward, trying to pry Skulduggery away, but Skulduggery grabs his wrist and gives him such a look that he cowers and rushes away. Skulduggery regains his composure and smiles at them all "now, as you all know, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight, and you have the right to know why... Once, there was a young man who, like you, sat in this very hall, walked these very corridors and slept under this roof.."


"Dumbledore? Seriously?" Valkyrie asks, looking at Skulduggery afterwards. The guide had eventually called security who threatened to remove Skulduggery with force but were, obviously, ignored by him. The guide had caused a commotion, his face taut and his fists bunched and was instantly replaced by a bubbly, cheerful woman. Valkyrie expected nothing less to come from a day of "relaxation". Alice was jumping up and down, trying to drink her butterbeer at the same time. It was fascinating to watch. Skulduggery focused his attention on her to avoid the mockery in Val's voice, the amusement in her face.

He finally looked up at her, his expression full of an odd passion " he's my idol" he said quietly.

Valkyrie grinned up at him, cupping her ear slightly, "sorry? What was that? I didn't hear you".

"if you take the mickey for any longer I will pick you up and carry you out of here" he warned, his tone light but serious.

Valkyrie laughed in response, "you're such a goon" she replies softly. They look at each other, the little moment only ruined by Valkyrie getting dragged away yet again by Alice, who wanted to see Aragog the spider. Skulduggery smiles and follows after them, tilting his hat towards the rejected tour guide who was currently seething with anger in the corner. The man's face burnt a vibrant red, like a tomato, and Skulduggery walks off, chuckling, holding his new wand tightly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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