"Perish you filthy creatures!"
"Burn them off! Just burn them!"
"You disgusting Satanic creatures!"
"Get out of our town!"
Gasp.I woke up, dripping from sweat, trying to calm myself down from the horrifying dream I just had.
My breath is short and my heart races.
Clutching my head over the long thick hair, it has never been any more painful than this time's.Silently, I let out a phrase:
"Father, is it really a sin?"
*We live in the era where everything is basically possible.
People can now change their gender, float on the ground, travel by air, and people can even know anything just by the tip of their fingers.Society has developed into a more open-minded and forgiving one, yet there are some who are still standing strong on their beliefs; not wanting to change or even update them.
Yeah about that open-minded countries? Not mine.
I live in a house filled with terror and fear of giving our own opinion. My race is still considered as outcasts when the country's motto is "differences make us stronger".
We can't run as president, we can't make a lot of money.
We can't cheat as we will be blamed first.
Ultimately, we can't love the same kind. We can't.
If you did, they'll charge you, fine you, and perish you.
If you did, you got to supress the feeling. Act as if they never existed. Just don't be yourself.
It's haram.
*Being a Christian, I don't really mind when I found out that you are actually a part of the lgbtq, but that doesn't apply to my other church-goers.
The preacher once said that it's a sin and we won't make it to heaven as God won't want us.
He mentioned something about us being a part of Satanic cult.
I just don't get it.
Loving someone with all of your heart equals praising Satan?
So, does that mean I have to fake-loving my husband-to-be and quarrel every single day to be seen as praising God?
Father, can you be clearer?
I didn't get to ask him though. I'm very sure if I did, the whole church will alienate me as well; like how my parents did to me.All I ever did is loving someone, how is murdering a soul better than my acts?
Life sure is unfair down here.