falling in Love

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 I was alone at the pool so I decided to write. You Dreamers and Believers are welcome.






 Such a challenging concept. But first thing first; love is cruel. Beautiful but evil.

 Especially falling in love. Yes, some things and people we choose to love. Our family, our food, our pets. And then some things we have absolute no control over ,and that's scary.

Falling in love.

 I think I like this example. Let's say love is ocean. And life,well life is a cliff. If we have no love,we jump off the cliff. That isn't good. If we choose to love that's like walking down to the beach like a sane person and swimming on the top layer of the ocean. Some people choose to dive deep but they choose to do that. And some people just stay where the waves lick their toes and say that is enough.

But falling in love?

 That's like being on top of that cliff. That freaking,I don't know, let's say 500 foot drop.

And then you fall.

 If you fall too soon you'll end up on the shallow part of the ocean and probably end up killing yourself. Not what you want. But falling in love. You gather more speed, whether you want to or not, and spiral down into the deepest part of the water like a piercing arrow. And guess what? Whatever falls,breaks.

 But there is nothing you can do about that.

 You just have to trust your lover to be there to save you from drowning.

 But if you try to not fall in love it gets harder. Then you're trying to grab on to anything to not fall in love. That's painful. That's plain painful. You're trying to grab onto an invisible rope. Stop fighting. It's  too late. The stars have crossed and fate has chosen. Very few people get out of it. And if they do they realize that they should have just let t happened. Because then all that time was for nothing. You don't want that, my dear reader. So if you love someone,tell them. Even if they are going to a different college, or if they have their eyes on someone else or whatever it is. Because the one thing that is hard is keeping it a secret. Take that burden off our chest. And perhaps, you will create space in your heart and they will create space in theirs.

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