Induratized Saudade

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Like a black hole swallowing everything within its reach you stumbled your way through my life with no intent to stay but to leave a mark, whether it was bad or not. Like the thundering wave of the immense ocean on a storming night you crashed into my shore, untamed, ruthless. Like the bellowing clouds of ash ascending from the depths of the crackling fire engulfing every inch of me, you burned, you stung. You callously destroyed every single star in a once gleaming and glittering night sky. From the butterflies you had created from words and thoughts that had soared into the sky suckling onto the sweet nectar dripping from the wilting roses of my past to the menacingly notorious wasps that corrupt the night sky wreaking havoc onto whatever they touch. Like the rest, love, like the rest..

you have deceived her, just a girl, just a bird

Words of The ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now