At the end øf a gif in the heavydirtsøul sectiøn øn the tøp website is a link. If yøu cøpy the link to yøur search bar it cømes up with a page of creepy inførmation, as well as briefly mentiøning 'Dema'. Last year at the AMAs, Jøsh mentiøned Dema, saying sømething aløng the lines øf "Tyler is busy severing ties with Dema." If yøu gøøgle Dema, it translates tø 'Tøwers øf Silence'. If yøu aren't familiar with what that is, it is a building where dead bødies are put øn a platform in the sun and left før carnivørøus birds tø eat. This is a map øf it
Which is weirdly similar tø the picture øn the site that the link led tø
Nøw, løøking at this, what is øff? Maybe the circles in the middle? They løøk strangely similar tø the cøver øf blurry face.
Zoom in on the circles in the middle, and there are words above them, reading
Strangely enough, they fit into blurry face song lyricsWeird, right?
Let's talk about this image.
You are in violation. thEy mustn't know you were here. no one should ever find out About this. you can never tell anyone about thiS -- for The sake of the others' survIval. you muSt keep this silent. we mUst keeP silent
"East is up" ???? Any ideas anyone??