Hurt...ONCE AGAIN!!!!!! -.-

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Emillies pov.

I woke up in the infirmary again! I sighed and slowly got up. I winced in pain and sat back down, which hurt even worse. "Emillie!" I hear Harry yell. I laid back down on the bed. Harry brought me some water. He sat down on the end of the bed. "What happened?" He asks. "I...I.." I sigh. "M-my Father..." I say. He gives me a questioning look. I sigh and get up. I wince in pain. I just begin to walk and I don't stop, until I reach Gryffindore tower. I walk in and see Ron crying. "H-hi..." I say sitting next to him. I wince in pain. He wiped his eyes and looked at me. "I-I'm sorry!" He said crying. "I-it's fine....r-really..." I sigh. I lay on the couch with my head resting on his shoulder. "D-did your this?" He asks. I feel my eyes begin to water. I just stay silent. He doesn't ask me again. "Ron? Why w-were you crying...?" I ask. He blushes and looks at the ground. "I-I was worried about y-you.." he said smiling. I smiled. I fell asleep.

Timeskip: Halloween

So much has happened in the past month. Harry is a seeker. Hagrid said something about Nicholas Flemmel, when we asked about the Sorcerers stone! We are trying to find something on Nicholas! Also FLUFFY!
Hermione were walking after Charms class and we saw the boys. We started to walk over. "She's a nightmare!" I hear Ron say. I then realize they were talking about Hermione. I stand in front of Ron looking him in the eye. I pulled out my wand. "Good job, Weasley!" I growl. He looks me up and down. "Calm down, Malfoy!" He yells. I shudder. I put away my wand and began to walk away.

Ron's pov

"Calm down, Malfoy!" I yell. I see a flash of disappointment go over Emillie. She puts away her wand and began to walk away. I realized what I called her. I shrugged it off and walked to the Great hall with Harry. I was enjoying my food. "You are such a git! You know that don't you!" Harry yells. I roll my eyes and continue to eat. "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!" Professor Quirrell screamed blacking out cold. All of the students began panicking and screaming. Dumbledore told the prefects to take the houses back to the common rooms. "Emillie! Hermione!" Harry whisper yelled. My eyes widen. We run to the girls bathroom. Hermione let out an ear piercing scream as the troll picked up Emillie. "EMILLIE!" I yell.

Emillies pov.

I felt something grip around me. It felt like spears were going into my sides. I heard my friends screaming. "I..I can't....breath!" I gasp. "Wigardium Leviosa!" Ron yells. He makes the trolls club hit him in the head. The troll began to fall. I tried to get out of his grasp. I did but his hand gripped my left leg. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" I yell. All my attention was on my leg, being crushed by a troll hand. All the staff came into the bathroom. Snape took me to the hospital wing. I sat in the bed as Madam Pomfrey examines my leg. "We are just going to have to let it heal on its own. To many broken bones for me to do anything!" She sighs. She puts a cast on my leg. "You've gotta stop getting yourself hurt,Em!" Draco chuckles coming over to me. I laugh. We talked for a bit then he had to leave.
Madam pomfrey gave me permission to leave. 'How do crutches work again' I think to myself, as I try to figure out what position. I finally figured it out!

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