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Emillies pov

I arrived back home soaked because it started raining. "Emillie! Where have you been!" My father yells making me flinch. "At a friends, sir." I say looking at the ground. "The Weasley's, I presume?" "Y-yes..." I lie. "Hmm, go to your room! And your punishment! No breakfast tomorrow!" he says storming down the hall. I sigh and walk up the stairs. I look at my door then down the hall to Draco's. I sigh and walk into my room. I take a shower and change into my pajamas.

I tiptoed out of my room and down the hall to Draco's

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I tiptoed out of my room and down the hall to Draco's. I walked in and saw him sitting there just staring out the window. "Hey!" I say making him jump. "What are you doing in here!?" He whispers. "Well, before we go to school I wanted to spend some time with you!" I say. He nods and pats the spot next to him. I smile and jump onto the bed. I pull the blanket up. "Remember when we use to have sleepovers during storms!" I say laughing. "Yeah we would always end up running to mom and dads room!" He laughs. "Yeah they would let us sleep with them in there bed. And dad...He would read us stories! And sometimes we would sneak out with Him and make cookies!" I say. Draco sighs. "Yeah, those were the best times. Wouldn't it be great to be six again!" He says chuckling. "Yep.." I sigh. "Hey, what's wrong?" Draco asks. I stand up. "I'm talking to dad!" I say as I storm out the door. I walk into my parents room and stand in the door way. My dad was reading a book and mom was asleep. "Emillie, what do you need at this hour?" He asks slightly annoyed. "What happened?..." I ask. He looked over at me and but his book down. "Now what exactly do you mean?" He asks. "What happened! What made you treat me like,....I don't know? garbage?" I ask in a 'duh' tone. "Emillie! That is none of your business!" He yells. I take a step forward and clench my fists. "It is my business! I'm the one who has to go through all of this! I think I have the right to know!" I growl. He stands up and stomps over to me. He pulls his wand out of his nightstand drawer. I gulped and my eyes widened. I tried to get out the door but he shut it. Before I knew it his wand was against my throat. I grabbed his hand and twisted it back. He laughed. I ran out of the room and he pinned me up against the railing. I tried to to punch him but he grabbed my hand. He smirked and kicked my leg as so I would fall. I fell on the floor. He kicked my side. I stood up weakly. "And you call yourself a father..." I say my hands gripping onto the railing. He smirked. He kneed me in the stomach and cast a spell to flip me over the railing. I fell onto a couch. He jumped over the railing. I ran to the fire place and grabbed a handful of floo powder. "The Burrow!" I yell. I throw the dust onto the fireplace bricks and I was immediately sucked up out of the fireplace. 
I closed my eyes. I opened them and there stood Ron with a sandwich in his hand, staring at me with wide eyes. I laughed. "E-Emillie!" He yelled throwing his sandwich in the air, lettuce and cheese flying everywhere. I laughed. "Ron!" I say hugging him. He hugs back. "E-Emillie.." I hear a familiar voice say.  I look up to see Fred. I give him a glare then I stumble over to the kitchen to get some water. "Emillie I just want to say sorry!" He says. I ignore him and grab a glass. "I'm sorry Emillie!" He said grabbing my arm. "Emillie—" "Shut up Fred!" I yell cutting him off. I grab the pitcher of water. "Emillie just li—" I cut him off by pouring the whole pitcher of ice cold water on his head. I placed the pitcher on his head and crossed my arms, smiling. "Better?" "Yep!" I say excitedly. Fred nods and heads upstairs. "E-Emillie What happened" Ron asks gesturing to my legs. I was limping  over to the table. "I fell down the stairs!" I lie. He nods. "Well I'm going back to bed.Goodnight.." Ron says smiling. I nodded. I finally lost it. I slammed the cup on the table and buried my face in my hands. I let myself cry and cry. I feel like all I do is cry. I mean I'm not trying to be selfish, but I don't think twelve year olds should go through this. "Suck it up Emillie! You've got to be tough!" I tell myself. "It's okay to not be tough ya know!" Ron said making me jump. I wiped my eyes. "I-I didn't realize you were still down here!" I say putting my glass in the sink. "You ok?" He asks sitting on the counter beside the sink. I turned a chair around and sat across from Ron. "Yeah!" I say smiling. He actually cared. "By the way. I like your pajamas!" He says laughing. I laughed. "I kind of forgot I was wearing it!" I laugh. "Is it a ....sloth?" He asks. I nod, laughing.he joins in. "So Emillie! I want to know more about you! What's your favorite color?" Ron asks. "Purple!I say. He nods. "Your favorite flower?" "Roses!" I say. "Favorite Weasley?" I roll my eyes and smirk. "Ginny!" I say getting up from my chair. "Oh....Hey!" He says. "Hey Ron I'm tired. Can we continue this tomorrow.." I say smiling. He nods. I start to walk up the stairs. Halfway up I fell, but I got back up quickly. "Oh! I meant to ask! Can I stay here until school starts?" I ask. He nods. "But Your things!" He adds. "I'll go back home and get them, just not tomorrow. Things need to cool off.." I sigh. He gives me a weird glance but I run up to Ginny's room. She was still awake. "Heyyyy!" I say walking in, shutting the door behind me. We talked for a while then went to sleep.

A few weeks later. (I don't know when Hogwarts started so I'm guessing!)

"Emillie Hurry up!" A voice yells. "We've got to get on the train!" Ginny yells snapping me out of my trance. I board the train with Hermione and Ginny. We were right on time. The train almost immediately started to move. I smiled. "I'm going to go look for the boys!" I say standing up. I walk into the compartment across from ours. "Hi Fred, George .." I say smiling. "I've got to find Ron and Harry!" I say as I quickly close the door. It's still awkward. I don't know. I walked down the hall when someone jerked me inside a compartment. I closed my eyes shut. I looked up and I had fallen on top of Neville. I blushed. "S-sorry.." I mutter. He smiles. "LINDSEY!!!!!" I scream jumping off of Neville. I hugged her tightly. She hugged back twice as tight. "So, How's Ron?" She asks smirking. "How's Neville?" I shoot back. She glared at me and sat back down. "I'm fine actually!" Neville says innocently. I face palmed. "Good!" I say. "Luna! You were so quiet, I didn't see you there!" I say hugging her. She smiled and hugged back. "Ok I'm trying to find the boys I'll see you later!" I say walking out the door.

Timeskip: later


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