Diagon Alley

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You can play it whenever

Emillies pov

Back at diagon alley again. Harry got lost and freaked us out, but we found him. Well Hagrid found him...anyways I was walking with Ginny and Hermione to get our books. All of our
books for DADA are written by somebody named lockheart....yeah I don't know. We were about to walk in when I saw Draco. I smiled and ran over to him. "Draco!" I yell waving. "Hello?" He says...annoyed? "Hi!" I say. He rolls his eyes. "Hi...Emillie.." he says. My expression changes. "No 'Em' just 'Emillie'?" I say. He scoffs. "Father was right you really are just a waste of time.." he said smirking. He pushed his way past me hitting my shoulder. My mouth dropped open in shock. My heart dropped. I almost dropped my books.
Well that hurt.I turned around and ran to the bookstore. "Emillie! Where were you?" Molly asks. "I need to go home!" I say looking at the ground. "What?" She says. "I need to go home!" I say not looking up from the ground. "Sweetie what's wrong?" She asks. "I need to go home! Ok!" I yell feeling my eyes watering. "O-ok sweetie! Here take some floo powder.." she says handing me the powder. I run out in the middle of the street and throw the dust to the ground and yelled. "The burrow!"

I walked up to my room and collapsed on my bed. I wiped my eyes. I tried not to cry but I couldn't help it. I hugged my pillow and cried. "Why him too!?" I yell. I kept crying. "Help me....please.." I sigh and fall back on my bed staring at the ceiling.

Ron's pov

"Oh! Lookie here another Weasley!" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around and see Lucius Malfoy standing in front of my sister. I immediately started to get mad. My dad came along and shooed him off.

It had been a hour of listening to this lockheart guy talk. "Where's Emillie?" I ask Hermione. "I don't know let's ask your mom!" She replied. We walk over to where my mom was. "Mom, where did Emillie go? We can't find her anywhere!" I say. "She went back home. I think she felt sick or something!" She says not paying attention to us. I sigh and grab some floo powder. "The burrow!" I yell throwing the dust to the ground.

I got back and I heard a piano and singing. I walked up to emillies room. I didn't know she could sing! Wow....and she can play the piano. Nice. I sat there and just listened.
I heard everybody come back. "Shhh!" I say before sitting back against the door. "What r—" Fred started but sat next to me. "Ron wh—" Ginny started but sat against the door. George didn't say anything he just sat beside us. She stopped and we heard the piano stop. I scooted closer to the door. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! To think that he would actually!" She yells. We hear a thud then it's pretty quiet. "Owwwww!" She screams. We hear the doorknob turn and we all get up. "Yeah that guy was annoying!" Fred says starting a conversation. "Yep!" George continues. "H-hey!" She says smiling. She was holding her wrist. "You ok?" I ask. "Yep!Never better!" She says running down the stairs holding her wrist. I rolled my eyes and walked down behind her. "Do you want some ice?" I ask. She nods hesitantly. I grab a ice pack and place it on her wrist. "T-Thanks!" She says placing her hand on mine. She smiled and took her and off and I did the same. "I think I'll go to bed...goodnight Ron!" Emillie says walking over to the staircase. "Goodnight!" I say. She stops. "Ron? Have you heard from Harry?" She asks. I shake my head. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. She nodded and went upstairs. I sat at the table thinking about Emillie and Harry. Emillie just randomly goes home and Harry hasn't written, or replied to any of our letters. I sighed and let my head fall into my hand. "Wait we haven't had dinner!" I yell. Mom heard me and started to cook. Emillie and everyone else came down due to the smell of the food.

"Dinners ready!" Mom yells. We all run over and sit at the table.

Emillie's pov

We were all sitting at the table and all Mr. Weasley and Molly were talking about was my family. I rolled my eyes. Then Fred looked at me. "You know, Emillie! I don't know how you deal with them. They're nothing but a bunch of rats!" He says laughing. I slammed my hands on the table. "Fred they are MY family not YOURS! And listen!" I yell. I walk over to him and pull him down to my height. "You don't know them like I do. So what, my dad worked for You-Know-Who! So what My brothers ignoring me! So what, My mom tries to fix my "flaws"! So what my family thinks I'm a danger to the family name! I still love them because they are MY family. We've all been through a lot. So maybe YOU and YOUR family should watch YOUR mouths!" I yell and push Fred back up. I storm up to my room and grab my suitcase. I throw it on my bed and throw my belongings in it. I grab frost bite and stick him carefully in my bookbag. I leave a hole for him to breathe. I walk back downstairs with everybody yelling and trying to apologize. I grabbed the powder in my hands and threw it to the ground. "Malfoy manor!" I yell as I watch the weasleys house disappear.

Soon I looked in front of me and saw a humungous building. "Home sweet home.." I sigh. I grab my suitcase and drag it into the house. "Hi! I'm home!" I say setting my stuff down. "Shhh! Mom and dad are sleeping!" I hear the voice say. I turn around to see my brother smiling. "Draco!" I sigh running up to him hugging him. "I'm so sorry about earlier..." he says squeezing me. "It's ok..." I sigh. No it's not but ok. "I have to go unpack...we'll see how dad takes this tomorrow.." I laugh. He smiles. "I don't think I have ever see you smile like that.." I say. "Well...I'm just glad you're back..." he says. I nod and walk up the stairs quietly dragging my suitcase. I run into my room and flip on my bed, immediately falling asleep.

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