A visit!

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Emillies pov

I was standing outside Harry's door when it opened randomly.

Harry's pov

My Aunt, Uncle, and cousin were rehearsing for their dinner. "And Harry! What will you be doing?" My uncle asks. "Staying in my room not making a sound, pretending I don't exist.." I say rolling my eyes. "Good!" He says clapping his hands together. I sit on the stairs and watch them rehearse. "Now Dudley! You'll open the door!" Petunia, my aunt says. Dudley opens the door and we see a figure. My mood immediately changed. "Emillie!" I say jumping up and running out the door. I hug her and she immediately hugs back. I looked back at the door and saw Dudley standing there staring at Emillie. "Who is this, Harry?" Dudley asks. "Emillie, my best friend!" I say grabbing her hand. Dudley glances at our hands and I pull mine away. I rub my neck nervously. "C-come in!" Dudley stuttered. Emillie gave me a nervous glance. I smiled. She gave me a faint smile but I could tell she was still nervous. She wasn't very good with people. And from what I've told her she's probably nervous. I grab her hand and we walk inside. "Mum, she's so...so...pretty..."We hear Dudley swoon as we walk in. Emillie makes a disgusted face. I laugh as we sit at the table. "So, Emillie! Tell us about yourself!" Vernon says. "W-what?" She says. "Tell us about yourself!" He repeats. She sits there and looks at me. I shrug and look the opposite way. "U-ummm.....I'm twelve! And I l-like the c-color p-purple!" She blurts out. "Emillie! Would you like to join us for dinner with our guests?" Dudley asks. I look at Emillie. She looks at me and smiles. "No thanks! But thank you for the offer! I'll stick with Harry!" She says smiling awkwardly. I smile. "Well he'll be in his room..." Dudley growls. We nod and run up the stairs. I shut my door and we sit on my bed. "Well....t-that was.." I start. "Awkward.." Emillie finishes. I laugh. "Harry?" Emillie says. "Yeah!" "We're still holding hands.." she says looking down at our hands. I pulled my hand away quickly. I looked at Emillie. "Sorry!" I said smiling. "It fine.." she said smiling. "Headwig!" She said running over to her cage. "Lets let her out!" She says fiddling with the cage. "No!" I whisper yell. I slap her hand away. She shoots me a glare and opens her cage. Headwig flys out and onto Emillie's shoulder. She smiled. She opened my window and Headwig flew out. She smiled and watched her fly out. I sighed and stood beside her. "We have to get her back you know!" I say. "She knows her way back,Harry!" She says giving me the 'are you dumb look' I laughed and sat on my bed while she walked around my room. "I'm kinda thirsty do you think I can get some water!" She says. I nod and we head downstairs. "U-ummm....May I h-have some w-water p-please..." Emillie says. Dudley immediately stands up and gets the water. He was about to say something when the doorbell rang. He let out a frustrated groan but it turned into a smile. "Get upstairs now! And don't make a sound. Harry I'll make sure you don't go back to that school,ever! Now go!" Uncle Vernon says pushing us up the stairs. We rush to my room and walk in. What I saw was something I didn't need right now. "Dobby!" Emillie whispers excitedly. "Oh miss Emillie ! It's so good to see you!" It says. Emillie smiles and runs up to the weird creature. She hugs it tightly as it does the same. "What are you!" I say. Emillie frowns. "You don't have to be so rude!" She says crossing her arms and sitting in my chair. I roll my eyes. "Ok! Who are you?" I say slightly annoyed. "Not doing any better!" She sang. I groaned. "Hi, I'm Harry what's your name?" I ask the thingy. "Better!" Emillie says. I roll my eyes. "I'm Dobby! Dobby has come to warm you! You mustn't go back to Hogwarts!" The creature said like he was begging or something. Emillies eyes widened. "Dobby! What on earth did you do!" She whisper yells. "Something bad will happen to potter if he does!" It says to loud. I shh it but it keeps on blabbing.

After him talking forever and almost getting me in trouble Emillie finally calmed him down. He started rambling again. "Is Harry Potter going to Hogwarts?" He says. "Yes! It's my home, Dobby!" I whisper yell. He snaps and he disappeared. "Dobby?" Emillie says. I tiptoed our the door and found Dobby in the kitchen. "No!" Emillie whispers. "Harry Potter mustn't go to Hogwarts!" He says. Then he makes the cake float and I tried to stop it but it landed on the lady's head. I looked at Emillie who looked like she was about to cry. "I'm so sorry! He's not that good around people that's why he's been upstairs!" Venom says. I turn around and Dobby's gone. I sighed angrily. Venom dragged me up to my room. "Tomorrow bars are going on your window so you can't go to that Bloody School!" He says throwing me in the floor. "Harry!" Emillie says walking over to me. "Come on we still have tonight to get you out of here!" She says pulling my arm. "Emillie stop!" I yell. "Just go home!" I yell. She stands up. "Fine.." She says slamming my door. I heard the front door slam and I buried my face in my hands. Hedwig flew in and back in her cage. "Emillie was right! She did come back!" I sighed and looked out my window. 'Did I mess up' I asked myself.

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