| part 3 |

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So everyone. From now on I'll start using 'you' instead of 'her' cuz I think it's easier that way for me.

It was awkwardly silent between the four. You looked straight ahead of you as all four of you walked down the hallway.

"So where would you like to see first?" Chanyeol asked as he glanced at you with an eyebrow raised.

"Uhh... Let's start from the kitchen... Or where ever I'm supposed to eat?" You mumbled uncertainly.

"Pig..." Taehyung mumbled under his breath. But you were quick to catch what he said and quickly threw him a dirty glare.

"Excuse me, your highness?" You asked with a bitter smile prominent on your face. Taehyung just smiled innocently and shook his head.

Jungkook sighed and shook his head slightly.
"You can find food for yourself in the kitchen, Hyurae.. The kitchen is this way." He said as he gestured towards a narrow path that had stairs that led down to god knows where. And you didn't even question why on Earth is the kitchen down there.

You nodded your head and observed the the castle's hallways and made sure to keep everywhere you were headed in mind, so that you won't get lost on your own.

Chanyeol stepped forward and started walking down the narrow staircase. The trio followed right after.

As they were going down the stairs Chanyeol decided to make up a conversation by asking a question. He didn't know that the question would be too personal. But boy was he wrong...

"So umm... Hyurae, why did you decide to cut your hair so short... Girls usually treasure their hair a lot..." He inquired, glancing at the said female once again.

You visibly tensed up and threw sharp glare at him. You stopped in your tracks and gritted your teeth as you clenched your fists. You took a deep breath to try and calm down as you glared at the ground. After a few seconds you returned your glare back up to the tall boy.

"Please mind your own business..." You said through clenched teeth as you started walking again.

The group of three boys exchanged glances between each other shortly before continuing their journey as well.

Of course I treasured my long hair too... It was all because of that one goddamn mission... Well here's what happened. Four years ago when I went on a mission and kind of messed up, Kris thought it'd be a good idea to cut my hair short as a punishment... And I was ordered to keep it that way for as long as I'm working under that piece of shit... (I MEAN NO OFFENSE. I LOVE KRIS WU TOO. HE BAE.)

Your train of thoughts was cut short when you realized you had reached the bottom of the stairs.

You looked at the huge kitchen in awe. Your expression was still hard and cold but the inner you was dancing in glee because of the huge heaven full of goods.

There were many counters, tables, cupboards, fireplace, and etc... People were running around and busy in making good food. The smell was quite pleasant for you.

"This is the kitchen." Chanyeol said.
"I know..." You mumbled still kind of amazed by the huge place. You were still looking around the place when suddenly someone bumped into you causing you both to fall.

A loud shriek could be heard followed by a loud thud and clattering sound of a huge, round tray. The whole kitchen had become quiet. No one dared to make a sound.

You lay there, eyes as wide as saucers as you tried to contemplate what the hell just happened.

"AH I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry oh my Lord oh my Lord oh my Lord." The female that had just bumped into you was repeating the same sentence over and over again like a mantra. She quickly got up and bowed many times before crouching back to get the tray and shattered content... Of whatever was on the tray.

You closed your eyes and started to slowly get up. Chanyeol was watching the scene with his jaw on the ground. Jungkook's eyes were wider than saucers. But Taehyung just stared at the scene with new found interest. All three of them were expecting you to get up and lash out on the poor maid. But. The unexpected happens again.

Once you get up, you take a deep breath in again. And crouch down to help the maid with the mess she made. "It's okay..." You mumbled with a straight and poker face as you picked up the broken pieces of glass.

"R-r-really...?" She asked as she stared at you in awe.

"Yes..." You said again as you got up and held the tray in your hands.

She slowly got up as well and stared at you with eyes that were practically shining and glimmering.

"SUCH A GENTLEMAN!!! OH MYYYYYY!" She squealed as she held her fists to her chest and looked at you in awe. Everyone else had already continued whatever they were doing.

"But I-" you were about to say something when you heard a loud voice yelling and walking towards you and the lady.

"AREUUUUUUUUUM. This is your second time this week. You've messed up twice this week young lady. And this calls for punishment. You are coming with me." The angry woman, who you assumed was the head maid or whatever scolded the girl, you suppose, is Areum.

Areum turns around and looks at the ground as she sighs. "I'm sorry madam. It won't happen again..." She said. She quickly turned back around and took the tray from your hands quickly with a bright smile on her face.
"See you around, Mr. Gentleman~" she said as she shamelessly winked at you. She bowed at the two princes as well and bowed at Chanyeol too before sprinting off into another direction.

The woman from before shakes her head and rubs her temple. "Ugh... This girl..." She mumbled under her breath as she stared at the direction she sprinted off to. She turned around and bowed at you. "I'm so sorry for the accident---" she stopped speaking once she set her gaze on the two princes. Her expression turned into a that of a panicked one as she quickly bowed down 90° to both of them as well.

"Prince Taehyung, Prince Jungkook... What a pleasant surprise... How may I help you?" She said as she looked at the both of them.

"Oh we don't need anything, Jieun~ we were just showing our friend here, her way around the castle" Jungkook replied kindly with a polite smile.

"Then I shall excuse myself, because I'm in a hurry... Excuse me your highness" she bowed once again before sprinting off after Areum.

You let out a huge sigh as you rubbed your temple. Chanyeol and Jungkook both burst out into a fit of laughter. Taehyung just chuckled a bit as well.

"What's so funny?" You asked with an eyebrow raised as you crossed your arms over your chest.

"Nothing... I-its just that your reaction when you fell and when Areum called you a gentleman was priceless..." Jungkook said in between laughters. They both recovered from their fit as they had huge grins on their faces.

You sighed once more and shook your head. "Let's go see the other places now." Taehyung said as he started walking towards the staircase​ again.


All four of you had finally finished your tour around the castle. It was quite late actually, the sun had set long ago. Chanyeol had led you to your room and wished you a goodnight before leaving.

You threw yourself on the comforts of your soft bed as you nuzzled into the soft white sheets.

After a few minutes you got up and changed into your night gown and went to bed.



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