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"We're getting new seats today!" Mr. Martin said. "Which also means you'll have a new lab partner!"

I groaned and looked at Jonah who rolled his eyes.

"I'll pull up the seating chart on the board so you guys can see where your new seats are," he said.

I looked up at the smart board for where my name was. I sat in the front of the classroom next to Corbyn Besson. I groaned. Right behind me was Jack.

I sat down in my new seat. Corbyn walked over humming the tune to Pillow Talk by Zayn. I heard a chuckle from behind me and I turned around to see Jack sitting in his seat with a smirk. I just faced forward and rolled my eyes.

Nothing good was ever going to come from this...


I was listening to Mr. Martin talk about more Chemistry. I dozed off a bit remembering that it was during this class that I shared my first kiss with Nerah. I sighed and turned on my phone screen to check the time but I ended up staring at it a lot longer because of the picture of me Nerah hugging at the airport before she left.

I turned my head a  bit and Corbyn looked at me before looking at my phone screen. I turned off the screen and tucked it under my arm. I felt something hit the back of my head and I turned around. Jack was staring at Mr. Martin. When I turned my head again something else hit my head. It was a piece of an eraser. I sighed and picked it before turning around and facing Jack.

"Did you throw this at me?" I asked.

"No," he said before focusing back on Mr. Martin. I turned around again. After a few minutes, a piece of an eraser hit my hand again.

I turned around and Jack was laughing. He ripped a piece of his eraser and threw it at my face. I rolled my eyes.

"Look, will you just leave me alone, please?" I asked.

"No." He chuckled. "Look, Zach. Just because you're dating my best friend doesn't mean your life is going to get any easier. In fact, it's going to get a lot harder. You may be fooling Nerah into thinking that you've actually changed, but you're not fooling me. You're going to break her heart like you do with every girl."

"I don't know why it's so hard for you to understand that I've changed because I love Nerah."

"You don't love Nerah. You love the thought of someone actually loving you. You're only changing to keep her wrapped around your finger but as soon as this is all over and Nerah comes back to me, you'll back to being the Zach Herron we all know you are."

"I love Nerah and she loves me. Deal with it-"

"Zach, turn around," Mr. Martin said. Jack smirked and I turned around. I rolled my eyes. I felt Corbyn nudge me with his elbow a bit and I looked up at him. He slipped me a note.

How's Nerah? -C

I looked up at him. Nerah lost all contact with the rest of her friends. It's good to see that they still care about her. 

She's great -Z

Good -C 

:) -Z

I slid the note back and he shoved it in his pocket. I noticed a guitar pick tucked in the cover of his binder. Corbyn's always been the musician looking type but I've never really heard him sing or anything. 

I know Jack sings, he always performs at school talent shows. Corbyn most likely sings too but he's more focused on school and stuff; kinda like Jonah accept Jonah's more focused on partying and living life.

Secret Love Song (Zach Herron Fanfic) ✔ [completed]Where stories live. Discover now