April - When You Have No Ideas For This Month - Stars

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This counts as RS material so I'm hella going for it since I have literally nothing else XD


-Starry's POV-

I was about concluding my March entry for the Writing Games, having Digital Daggers blasting in my ears.

After my last two trashy entries, I was determined to show off a decent one (and no I don't say that because I didn't get votes for Jan and Feb lmao), even though while writing up this one I had a slight uncertainty for my choice of words for the ending...

But eh, it's not about competition at the end of the day.

Anywho, I finally finished with Diz and Wiz hugging out next to a tree, no, not Tiny Tree, a willow tree, but that would be interesting....


I copied my writing from Google Docs and into the Writing Games book as a draft, which was only then I realised that I'm actually a day early to the deadline, oh well, now I'm in the clear for the month.

Now to check my notes for April, back in January when we three tools started out this competition, we agreed on 11 of the 12 months' themes, I began making notes for each month that I had ideas or plans for....

I opened up that document to remind myself what I had down for April.

A crackship.

Oh......well shoot.

What the heck could I do with a crackship? And which one do I even do?

When I think about all the crackship that exist, my mind goes blank, all my mind can think of is WiFi (Wiz x Fiz) and Trilla (Stella x Triz).

I don't really want to use Trilla, and I'm too lazy to use WiFi, plus I already did DiWi just now....

Also, I swear there's some crackship that exists involving Ziz, but nothing comes to mind.


Honestly, I'm trash at April Fools; I can barely even think of a prank to make in Discord...

Well, considering I already asked Liv and Dead whether we could change the prompt; and we couldn't, I guess I either gotta throw in my towel or try to come up with something....that is if I don't just focus on AWNR or any of my other books and completely forget about the Writing Games...

And it's not like I could just say, 'I'm not doing this month,' or something, just because I have no ideas, especially with the uncertainty that Dead would make an entry or not each month, it's already happened in January, and I almost gave up too (honestly I wish I could delete my January entry, it's THAT bad).


I brought out my Saber Sword and threw it across the room and into the wood of my door, mainly because I thought I somebody was creeping up on me, but alas, paranoia strikes again.....how lovely...

I peeked my head out from the door to make sure nobody was literally walking up to my door, yup, paranoia...

"Everything alright, StarryCats?" Manny asked as he was walking by, "Yup!" I chirped and nervously chuckled, "just practising with my new sword."

"Ok," Manny walked away.

I sighed with relief and shut the door, pulling my Saber sword off the wood.

Now, where was I?

Oh right, next month's prompt.

I suppose I could read up on some RS books on Wattpad and come up with something...

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