November - Speranţă - Stars

105 2 21

Oh man this is the most amount of words I've done ever

It feels weird that I've been planning this entry since January and it's not even a holiday I celebrate weird huh

Now before we begin, I just to clear up the confusion, this is an AU from my series which I actually haven't had the chance to use yet, but basically there's a character (they aren't in this btw) that goes back in time and messes up the timeline which means events, characters, relationships, etc are altered, either for the better or the worst, like Back to the Future or any other time-travel story

Hope that makes sense 😅

Now don't mind me, just gonna get some popcorn


(Btw just a little heads up, the topics in this get pretty deep but I promise the ending is pretty sweet 👌)



"Tudo bem garoto, essa mesa não vai servir sozinha!"

"Chegando chefe!" The young waiter picked up the tray of coffees and Pastel de Natas, walking over to the table with the two young adults, one had long blonde hair and the other had short black hair.

"For you ma'dam," the waiter spoke in English, "and you good sir."

"Thank you," both Glen and Amelia responded, Amelia added struggling not to blush, "uh.... obri...obrigado...senhor bonito."

The waiter chuckled, "good Portuguese, lindo." He walked off the serve the other customers.

"What did he say?" she anxiously asked her friend, "do you think he thinks I'm an idiot?"

"Sorry, I don't speak Portuguese," Glen took a sip of his coffee, "and what do you mean by that?"

Amelia scoffed, "I spent a whole week trying to perfect a clever sentence and all I had was 'Thank you, handsome', if I knew my best friend was going to work in a Portuguese cafe 13 years ago, with most of the staff and customers only speaking Portuguese I would have taken the language back in school!"

"........." Glen blankly blinked and mumbled while chewing on a piece of pastel de nata, "all that for a guy you fancy....*swallow* listen, if you won't make conversation with him, I'll do it for you."

"NO! Please don't. I know you'd talk about my cringey fanfiction history!"

Glen burst out laughing, slamming his fist on the table and almost spilling the drinks.

".......Even as a grown man, you still suck...."

"Love you too," he winked, and nudged her, Amelia rolled her eyes and decided to read through some of the paperwork instead....

"What's that for?" Glen peeped above and wondered after a solid few minutes of reading.

"Just the forms from the Family Court, they confirmed the trial to take place in November."

"You must be relieved that your sister is finally going to get out of that house."


The upcoming court hearing would determine who has full custody over Jane Telgemeier, Amelia's sister, right now she lives with her and Amelia's abusive father, but Amelia is desperate to get Jane out of that mess of a house, and because their father refuses to let Jane go, Amelia was left with no choice but to bring the matter to court, a trial that she feels that she can win, seeing the evidence against their father...

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