Chapter One: Tutoring

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Chapter One: Tutoring

I sat down in my seat with a frustrated huff just the bell rang, signaling the start of class. I could suddenly feel the all too familiar sting of tears in the back of my eyes in those coming seconds, but I forced them back as best I could. I knew better. To show my weakness here, especially to those who were in this class, always spelled disaster. Even though they have mocked, pushed, and harassed me to my limit in the halls, they also kept it going in class.

I heard the uproarious laughter come through the door as they came bounding into the classroom with a stride of victory. They were all proud of their achievement in reducing me to tears. Yet, I made a grave mistake in looking up at them as they came in. More specifically, I gazed up directly at the ring leader of the group: Blake Mitchell.

"Hey," Blake called out. With a sharp inhale of fear, I looked away, but it was too late. I knew what was coming. "the little faggot's crying!" he said, noticing my puffy eyes. I grit my teeth and cursed myself for somehow managing to let a few tears slip. I covered my eyes with my hands to hide the puffiness, but nothing stopped my cheeks becoming as dark as strawberries. All I had wished at that point was that the ground would just swallow me up so I wouldn't have to deal with any of this, but I was stuck to hear every word. "Hey there, Jayden," he sneered, condescendingly. "why are you crying little buddy? Is it cuz' your dad never came back?" Blake then slammed my head down onto the table. I let out a wince and they laughed. A searing pain erupted from my forehead where it had hit my textbook. I rubbed it to calm the pain, but it didn't seem to work. The pain made my head throb. It seemed to compliment the stinging that come from that comment about my father.

Thankfully, our teacher got Blake and his friends to settle down right after that and they took their seats. Yet, I couldn't help but ponder how she was so oblivious to every thing that just happened.

She then started to teach the class something I managed to learn months ago on my own. I'm not too sure why, but my craving for knowledge led me to learn the entire course, nearly on my own. It was like this since my first year of high school. The teachers handed out the syllabus and I would take the liberty of learning it on my own. About halfway through the year, I would have learned everything I needed to. Some of my teachers even knew this and they would give me my homework for a whole week on Monday and expect it done by Friday, but I would get it done by Tuesday.

I rolled my eyes and buried my face in my sleeve as I laid down on the desk, drifting off to my own world. My world was where there were no hurtful remarks from Blake Mitchell, no missing fathers, or underpaid mothers with dead-end jobs, no run down apartments with the worry of foreclosure. There were absolutely no worries, or sighing, or having to live in constant fear. My world was perfect and kept me sane. It's my escape.

When I go there, I see my mom and my dad (whoever he is) living in a big house, both of them smiling ... happy. Along with my perfect home life, I had the perfect social life. Not that I was popular, but just that I had friends who I get along well with and who have all the same interests as I do. And if that wasn't enough, I also had the perfect lover too. Sometimes my fantasies would turn to dreams where I would run into their arms and rest my head on their shoulder while he cradled me lovingly. Yes, he.

By he, I mean Blake.

Yes, in my fantasy world, Blake Mitchell and I are in love. There, we get along just fine, more than fine, actually. He loves me, and I him. I've even had vivid dreams where Blake would scoop me up in his arms and hold me tightly. His strong, footballer arms wrapped around my slim torso. I would rest in his warm embrace, against his defined pectorals as he towered over me at six feet and two inches. I would nuzzle my head into the nook of his neck at my own five feet ten inches. Then I look up at him, and admire his soft light brown hair and plump, pink lips. I would gaze into his eyes, his profound, sapphire blue eyes, and get lost for hours on end. I would feel his silky lips on my forehead and his soft hand running up and down my back as I rest my head on his sizeable shoulder. My world, and my Blake, was the definition of perfection in my mind. I loved being there, whenever I could. It was my escape from harsh and bitter reality.

The class dragged on, but seeing as Blake and his crew basically feel asleep, I was left to get lost in my own daydreams, peacefully. Thank god final reviews. I thought. Who knows what they would be doing to me right now if they were not bored out of their minds. My life was sheer hell because of them and there seemed to be no change in sight. I don't have many friends to help with that, either. No one has ever stuck up for me. No one. Really, I only have one "friend" per say. We talk occasionally, but that's it. Nothing more.

About halfway through the class, I broke myself away from my dreams for a small mental break. I found my eyes wandering around the classroom before going over to where Blake was sitting. He sat back in his chair facing the front of the room, eyes dropping in boredom. I couldn't help but think, He's so cute when he's tired.

I admired every one of his features. From his brown hair, bangs spiked up to the side, to his supple and soft sun-kissed skin and to his cute slim nose and vibrant lips. Blake was a fit god. His physic from all his years of training for football and basketball was the quintessential image of fitness and health. Moreover, he is extremely good at what he does in sports, being captain for both the football and basketball teams. I've never seen him play, but I imagine it likens to the big leagues.

I was so lost in my own thoughts of Blake that I didn't notice he looked over at me until it was too late. Next thing I know, I'm ripped away from my admiration and met with a glare of pure hate from the other side of the room. In less than a second, I cowered away in fright as my blood ran cold from his hateful stare. I was suddenly reminded that I would never have him the way I wanted. Knowing that I would never even get close to simply touch him nearly killed me. I should not have looked at him all. My heart broke as I was beholding what I could not have.

The rest of class was just a sad daze.

Once we were all dismissed, I was ready to bolt out of there and get my weekend started, but my teacher, Mrs. Edwin, called me up to her desk. Thankfully Blake left so I would not have to deal with him.

"Hey, Jayden," she started, rubbing her eyes. "I just found out that I have to go out of town tomorrow to take care of something. I was going to have a tutoring session for some students, or, should I say, student, considering only one who I know will show up or automatically fail him, and I desperately need someone to help them out. I know you know your stuff, so can you please help them out for me?"

"Oh, um. I don't really know if I can ...." I replied hesitantly.

"Don't worry! Like I said, there should really only be one person!"


"Blake." My heart dropped and my eyes grew wide. My blood ran cold in fear just from the mere utterance of that cursed, yet wonderful, name. I took in a shaky breath and replied,

"Oh, well in that case -." I was going to sternly decline, but Mrs. Edwin cut me off.

"Excellent! I knew I could count on you! Be here at eleven it's not supposed to go longer than an hour, so it's not too bad."

"But ...." I murmured, under my breath. The fear that had overtaken my body was enough to paralyze even the words in my head. A sudden cocktail of terror and anger fell into the pit of my stomach and left me frozen in fear. Mrs. Edwin didn't hear my soft reply, but instead just gave me a smile and left the room, leaving me behind to seemingly die of crippling panic.

I have to tutor the reason my life is hell.

I have to tutor the love of my life.

I have to tutor Blake.

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