Chapter Five: Flying

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Chapter Five: Flying

A deep gasp woke me up. My eyes were wide open and I was completely alert right after. It was still dark and I was still on edge.

I turned to look at the clock on my nightstand. It read as five am on the dot. This was the tenth I've woken up this night and all were for the same reason: Blake. Ever since I ran away two nights ago. He had me worried all day. 'Worried' doesn't even begin to sum up the sheer angst that I had endured the past twenty-four hours. My mind was a roller coaster, going up and down from one thought to the next. Sometimes, I felt safe. Other times however, I couldn't stand I was so nervous. My mind was filled with these vain fears that he would show up angry as all hell for whatever reason or another and beat me beyond repair. That would then spur fearful thoughts of him doing the same to my mother. That would reduce me to silent tears.

I got up from my bed and began to wash up for school. This'll be the first time I see Blake since the tender moments Saturday night ...

All fake and empty.

After doing my usual routine, I put on my school clothes. Even in the rising head and humidity of the May, I wear sweatshirts because I feel more protected that way. An ability to keep invisible, under the hood.

With a shaky sigh, I left my home and began my few minute walk to school. The air was thick and heavy and made even my weak, skinny stature I began to sweat. The school was just across the road from my complex and the sidewalks were already filled with students of all kinds. Most walked in pairs, talking softly and low. It was still too early to really talk. Not that I would know.

Usually my worry about being noticed began when I waited along with some other kids that walked to school waiting for the crosswalk, but today in fact it began when I woke up. Damnit Blake, I know you make my life hell, but I didn't think it would get any worse than this.

By the time I got into the cool school, my stomach was in pure, utter chaos. Nervousness coursed through my veins almost like needles. Pain. It was pain. Totally emotional, turning physical pain. My legs were shaking as I made my way to my first class and my eyes were worse; darting from left to right, looking for that wonderful head of sandy blond hair atop that tall beauty.

I didn't see Blake at all by the time I got to class. It was only seven-fifteen. Maybe I beat him here? I only have one class with him, so I don't know where he is this early in the day. My biggest worry will be math, which is all the way at the end of the day. The worry will eat me alive as the day goes on. Right. Exactly what I needed in my state of mind. As if my thoughts weren't debilitating enough, this happens.

Just sitting there was painful. My stomach was in knots and my hands were shaking. My mind was putting together of images of Blake just randomly coming in and beating me senseless. As one can imagine, that did wonders to my anxiety.

The minutes ticked by and the class began to fill up. The students were all but the people I wanted to avoid. Blake's friends were culprits too. I just had a horrible feeling that he would sick them on me because of Saturday- they wouldn't need an explanation either. Blake could just tell them "Hey, fuck Gay-Jay up," and that's that.

At around five minutes until class started, one of Blake's friends, Jordan, came in and took his usual seat. Though I was running a surplus of vigilance, I didn't suspect anything off about him. Then Zach, another Blake kiss-ass, walked in and sat down next to Jordan. They've made fun of me in this class before, but today, they stayed silent. They usually did on Mondays; lack of sleep? I suppose. But it left me conflicted with the fact that Blake hadn't yet told them to crucify me.

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