00:03 | black holes

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00:03 | black holes

two things can happen when neutron stars collide;
they can collide and form larger stars,
or they can collide and collapse into a black hole.

we are stars and we have collided,
collided many many many times,
collided and formed bigger better stars.

but bigger better is just improving the situation.
bigger better stars gave me something i craved,
but bigger better stars didn't give me everything.

bigger better stars are not black holes.
black holes form and they suck everything in,
they can move time and change everything.

black holes can consume worlds and change lives,
black holes can end the world and form a new one.
black holes can give me everything.

i don't want bigger better i want black holes.
but maybe one day we as bigger better stars can collide,
and by chance can collapse into a black hole.

a bigger better black hole.

- kyle

author's note: tried something new here that i haven't done before, i don't normally write about space or try to use tons of analogies or whatever like this if you know what i mean haha, tell me if you like it and please be blunt, if it sucks tell me please :)

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