So are you really going
you know I am.
No you don't have to go!
Yes I do, I already told them I would.
let her go!
just let her go!
i'll miss you babe, said an describable blond
I'll miss you to
Snowflake were you going to leave with out telling me good bye?
Oh Zeke you know I'll never do that.
Ooooh guys I'm really going to miss you!
Yah well miss you to.
You know I love all three of you right ?
Yes we know, now hurry up or your delay your flight.
Have a safe trip
Call us when you get there they all told her as they embraced
And one more thing, this isn't good bye well see you really soon okay
Your right this isn't good bye, I'll call you when I get there see you.
As she ran towards the plane she heard someone yell out
Snoooow wait! She turns to see her friends seeing them running towards her
What is it she asks?
Don't forget the baby bag.....
Fantasywhat came first us or them? That's the question certain individuals keep asking themselves. If you really want to know what this rag tag mischief books about then read it. EXCERPT...... Well that's the thing you are all beautiful and yes let them...