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Can I help you?

Uh yes my names Dulcia and I'm here to register for classes.

Ah yes we've been expecting you is your guardian here.

Before she could reply Lucien stepped in front of her, and gave the secretary one of his patent I want you half smiles.

Hi there its Mrs. bates is it.

Actually its miss bates but chu can call me Bettie she said giving him a flirtatious southern smile.

so what can I do for Ya suge, she finishes leaning onto her desk giving him a slight peak of cleavage.

He leaned farther onto the desk and rose a brow a bit as he said in an extremely sexy Italian accent. The names Lucian senorina, and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, he finished never taking his eyes off of her.

Dulcia gave a soft cough which made the sectary break eye contact, as she looked pass Lucian, she flushed as she spotted Dulcia. So you must be her father she said glancing to Lucian.

No senorina I'm single I came on behalf of her parents who regrettable couldn't make it. he motioned twords the girl.

Mmmmm really she said practically purring in ecstasy.

Si he said.

Well if you're here on their behalf you're going to have to fill out some paper work before she could hand him a stack of papers he stilled her movements.

Senorina I have all the documents here all filled out he finished saying never taking his hand or eyes away from her, as he pulled them out seemingly out of nowhere. By the time he let her go,  her breathing was heavy/shallow.

Okay then she said a bit flustered let me go just make a few copies and get things in order then you can be on your way, she got up and walked into another room, still a bit dazed.

As Lucian was checking the secretary out as she left, Dulcia couldn't help but laugh at   Lucius shenanigans, he looked over at her and gave her a mischievous smile, she just rolled her eyes as he looked back at the returning woman.

As they talked Dulcia couldn't help but be impressed by Lucius and the way he controlled Desire, it was fascinating how his ever changing voice jumped from one accent to another all depending on what his prey, are lusting to hear. she was amazed at his chameleon capabilities gliding from persona to the next never missing a beat, she was glad that the ever changing chameleon was her father's right hand man and confidant.


she turned her attention back to him, yes Lucian she asked.

Are you all right do you feel fine he asked her his voiced laced with worry.

I feel fine Lucian are we all most done here?

Almost were just waiting to see the principal then well be on are way, he said as he walked to sit next to her.

Quanto mas? she asked in Spanish.

Not long only moments.

Just then the secretary comeback and told them they could head back.




As they walked into the room they saw the back of a tall broad shouldered man, he turned to look at them and somehow he seemed familiar to her.

Oh if it isn't my good friend Lucius.

Humph I didn't expect to see your putrid self for another century or so?

Oh Lucius the only putrid thing here is you and yours.

Sooo I take it you two know each other.

They both turned to see Dulcia sitting down and with a highly amused smile on her face.

Miss I've waited quite a long time to make your acquaintance said the stranger who happened to be her principle.

She seemed to not acknowledged him as she turned to Lucian for an explanation.

Miss you see this is an acquaintance of Randolph. She just arched her brow at him. He is one of madams pets he clarified.

Oh she thought to herself as she turned to the stranger, And you are?

At the present I'm Benjamin Joseph Rawlins it's a pleasure to make you acquaintance. He said giving her a slight bow.

The pleasures all mine she said, so your one of mothers she askes her curiosity peeking.

Why don't we just get to business interrupted Lucius.

Fine but is misses felling all right asked Rawlins, she looks a bit off.

As Rawlins spoke Lucian went over to Snow, she turned to look at him as he sat, he noticed that Rawlins was right she did look bad not just bad but like a dead corpse even.

Snow he said interrupting Rawlins rant, are you sure your felling all right.

As she looked into his eyes she saw that he was worried, I'm fine Lucian, I'm just a bit pale but all things consider it's  to be expected, now let's hurry this up she said standing, I'm missing my classes. 

So Rawlins,, I mean principal Rawlins is here to cover for me if anything goes astray right, they both gave her a slight nod, okay so why don't we just get the cellphone issue out of the way, tie up all those lose ends and I'll wait for you guys in the lobby. she said with a slight smirk. hopefully I can catch a little stray before the two of you finish she said giving them both knowing looks , so if you don't mind i'ma go do some hunting she laughed as she walked towards the door.

Before she could blink Lucien grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards him, don't get cheeky SnowDevil and be careful.

I know Lushie she said, with a wink.

Miss interrupted Rawlins, they both looked at him. If you need, I give to you freely.

You don't know what you say, You say you give to me freely Rawlins she says closing the gap between them but the density I need is to great even for you and I don't think your mortality you want me to take. But thank you for the offer. Now why don't you two hurry up cause I'm getting a bit testy, she walked out the door letting it shut behind her.

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