Some Time Later

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Papa you didn't have to drive us?

Pssshhhh of course I did, it's the little ones first day of daycare today. I don't know why you don't leave them with us? Oooohhh gosh I'm going to miss my Babies!

Papa I don't leave them with you cause you'll never get any sleep during the day and all so how many centuries has it been since you've taken care of infants and besides your too damn careless.

Well pooh he said slouching, why don't you leave them with your mother then?

Cause she's way to busy during the day, besides she'll probably hand them off to Randolph and he doesn't like me ever sense the fire incident.

Well Hun you did almost kill him setting him on fire like you did, the poor man could of died he said shaking his head in sympathy.

Oh don't give me that, as I recall someone was laughing the whole time.

Humph I don't recall such an incident.

Sure you don't you old geezer, she said sticking her tongue out at him.

Oh stop that you ratty ol'fure ball he said swatting at her.

Just then the car stopped.

Sir we're here said a tall dark haired good looking man as he opened the door to peer at us.

Why thank you Lucius that was such a pleasant ride, but I'm afraid we made you drive all this way for nothing, You may take us home now.

OH shut up you old geezer, pay no mind to him Lucius, I'm afraid this crazy old man is finally going senile.

Such a pity miss Dulcia, Sir Emile Was one of the best men I knew he also had one of the greatest minds I've known, I'm going to miss him.

OH stop it you two I'm not senile yet so stop killing me off! Now Lucius make your self useful and grab this little one he said handing him a small child.

Yes sir, now come we don't want to be late.

If were late it's your fault papa! She said as they entered the building.

After a bit of walking Emile spoke up

Darling do you remember the room number?

Yes it 103 Lucius she said ignoring her father.

Thank you miss it should be this way he said walking away from the floor plans.

As they made it towards the room they heard a whole bunch of crying and yelling as they approached the room.

Right as they stopped in front of the door it swung open to revile a surprised tall blond handsome college looking kid.

Oh hi! Are you here for the daycare? My names Owen Richmore he said.

Hi I'm Dulcia she said taking his hand and this is my father Emile as the two men shook hands she continued on and to the left to him is his associate Luciano.

How do you do he said avoiding touching the man in front of him.

Pleasure, now what can I do for you asked Owen as he ushered these strange people inside.

Once they were inside Owen got a good look at all of them, the girl who just spoke was dressed in leather, and the other two men look like they had on Italian made suits, neither man looking old enough to have a teenage daughter.

So what can I do for you? He heard himself say. Before they could respond he saw a little girl tug on the girls' leg.

Well my daughter says my babies are going to start daycare today.

Ah yes we've been expecting you he said checking his clip board, but it says here there should be four of them and I only see one just then three little heads peeked out of three different sets of legs, ah there's the other three. Will sir you have nothing to worry about well take really good care of you children as he looked down on the toddlers he saw one little girl clutching on her older sisters leg, she held up her arms in the universal sign of I want to be carried.

as she bent to pick up the little girl did he notice something, he saw that they all looked alike.

Well it's good to hear that Mr. Richmore, cause I heard this is one of the best daycare centers in the county.

Call me Owen please.

Well Owen to tell you the truth it seems you have the wrong impression of who's the parent to these little ones.

Oh? owen said raising a brow.

yes you did the parent isn't my father nor is it Lucius, I'm the mother of these four and ill appreciate if you refer to me as such.

Well I'm so sorry miss Dulcia.

Its fine so let me introduce you to my little ones, my oldest is Bastien he's the one to my right, my second oldest is Miki my father's currently holding her the third oldest is Rydan, Luscious is holding him and as you can guess the little girl in my arms is my youngest and her name is Simi.

Ah well it's nice to meet all of you my names Owen and I'll be taking care of you starting today

So Dulcia, do they have any allergies or special needs or anything I should be aware of.

Thank you for reminding me but before I answer your questions can I ask you how many times do you give them snacks and naps.

Well we feed them three times a day and they nape twice a day

Okay then this will make things easier to explain well you'll have to give them one of these she says handing him a bag, right before they take their naps. There's instructions in the bag also the pediatrician number if you have any question, mines also in there so are my parents personal numbers also there work number and that of their assistants, I also gave you the number of the school I'm studying at, also there godparents numbers and all are emails are in there as well. ill appreciate it if you call in the order you see there.

that medicine should last for about a week if it doesn't just call /tell me and I'll bring more, oh and there not allergic to anything so you can feed them whatever. there not picky other than onions and pickles, you know some kids love pickles my kids hate them they love cucumbers but they hate pickles when it comes to onions if there not funions they won't touch them, yah I know my kids are weird, and yes I'm aware that I'm rambling so sorry I'll just shut up now, she says a bit embarrassed.

Its fine mama bear, and thank you for the information and no you're not overbearing or over protective, I understand you're a young mother of four. so your worried and if I must say you're doing way better than the majority of the mothers who come here and they usually just have one kid. before you ask here's are contact information of the daycare and everyone here, and here, he said writing a number on the top is my personal number. so call me if you have any worry's or questions , also here are the rules and regulations and the copies of the papers you filled out. Also we like our parents to be involved with the kids, so this pink paper just explains that and we also ask if the parents could help us provide a snacks, tissues, crayons, things of that nature so that's what this blue paper covers, and I think that covers it all, so if you just want to sign here next to your fathers signature, an hand over these little ones. you may be on your way.

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