Chapter 17:Help!

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Ash:Hey!Lil bro hows it goin?
Aeony:Oh so this is Ashton?
Aeony:Ashton im afraid theres no more soace in our tent.
Ashton:I have my own tent.
Teacher Grace:Hello.
Teacher:Ummm first lets go have a hike to the cliff i heard it was nice there also thats where our picnic is!
Pups and Aeony:Ok.
They take a hike up and they get tired and they were finally there
Amy:That was tiring.
Ashton:Even if your tired your still pretty Amy.
Ashton:I said even tho i'm tired i still look good.
Ash:You look like me bro.
Ashton:We both look good.
Cloudy:Isnt it nice?
Cloudy:Be careful to not fall it's 80ft tall i mean the water is deep enough to not kill you but it's a bit rough expt when you get to the edge over there with land.
TG(still the nic):Good jon Cloudy were gonna swim there later anyways.
Aeony(somewhere far where they wont hear):Humdigger i can push Skye and Amy of the cliff that would be great right?
MH:Huh how tall is it.
Aeony:This pup said its 80ft tall but theres water.
MH:So be it..Do it!
Aeony:On it sir.Hey guys!
Pups:Oh hi!
Aeony:Wheres your teacher?
Pups:Oh she is just getting some food..
Aeony:umm Cloudy can you get some leaves for me i have a collection..
Cloudy:What leaves do you need?
Aeony:Can you get me some fawn leaves.
Ashton:Ok bro..
Ash:You guys me and bro are just gonna dig some dirt we smell something.
Skye:Fine.*they dig but it went on there fur so the look back then a rock hits them to the edge.
Amy and Skye:Woah help!
Skye:Ahh!*grabs on to a stick*
Amy:Ahhhhhhh!*gets on a ledge bellow Skye*
Skye:You ok Amy?
Amy:Yes im ok.*ledge is breaking*Woah!
The twins:You ok guys??
Cloudy:Guys im back sorry took so long i was playing...OMG!!!HELP THEM!!!!*Amy's ledge breaks piece by piece then they call the Paw Patrol*
Ryder:Oh hi?
Cloudy:Ryder Skye and Amy are gonna fall of the cliff!
Ryder:Oh no!We will be right there as soon as possible!*puptags the pups expt the girls*Pups to the Lookout!
Pups:Ryder needs us!
Chase:Ready for action Ryder sir!
Ryder:So guys umm Amy And Skye are now at the edge of a cliff and they are about to fall.
Chase:Oh no is Skye ok?!I mean are they both ok?!?!
Ryder:Chase i need you to lift Skye up and then Amy with your winch!
Chase:Chase is on the case.
Ryder:All right Paw Patrol is on a roll!*they get to the cliff and saw Amy's ledge almost gone*
Chase:Skye your ok!
Chase:Grab on Skye!
Skye:I grabbed it now!
Chase:Coming up!*pulls Skye up*
Amy:Help!!*more of the earth in the ledge is break and Amy is about to fall*
Ryder:Chase now please!
Chase:Yes Ryder!*puts it down*Grab On!
Amy:*before she gets the chance to grab on Amy fell....

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