Chapter 18:Saved.

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Amy:*before she(me)gets to grab on i fell then i felt someone grabbing my paw when i look up it was Ash*
Ash:Be careful darling.*pulls up*
Amy:You still have no trust from me just because you saved me.*walks away from him*
Meanwhile Chase and Skye...
Chase:Skye!Im glad your ok!
Skye:Chase thank you for saving me!*Hugs him and blushes*
Chase:*giggles and blushes*Your welcome.
Ryder:Come on Chase we have to go!
Chase:Oh yea the sleepover!
Ryder:Yea since you and Amy are gone Everest and Tracker will be at the lookout.
Chase:Bye now Skye..*a bit of a sad tone but leaves with Ryder*
Amy:Skye come here to the tent.*Runs to the tent*
Skye:Why do you want to bring me here.
Amy:You like him dont you.
Amy:I can see it in your eyes!
Skye:*blushes harder*What!How!
Amy:Listen Skye one special pup to another..
Amy:I am very magical..
Skye:Then why didnt you just fly out?
Amy:I cant let anybody else see my secret identity cuz they will track the Kingdom of Capabilities.
Skye:Ooooo wait that means were Alliances.
Amy:oh right you are the princess of the SummerMount Kingdom!
Skye:Yes!your right!
Author:Hey guys i was gonna make the story longer but my keypad got jammed well glitchy and broken and laggy so i had to copy and paste most of this story thats why I cant write to much since its hard to do that anyways i hope you still enjoyed this chapter!

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