Return to Neverland (7)

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My head felt like it was spinning. What had I gotten myself into?

I shook my head. No. This was not my fault. It wasn't like I had invited Rex over, and I had told Quinn not to show up. I was an innocent bystander.

"Aren't you gonna offer your guests a drink or a snack?" Rex questioned as he plopped down on the couch.

My jaw slacked open. Did he really just ask me that?

As if seeing the murderous intent in my eye, Luke spoke up. "We did kind of just show up uninvited," he began, dreamy English accent and all. "We shouldn't expect her to wait on us."

Barking out a laugh, Rex jumped to his feet. He winked at Luke. "Good job, sticking up for your girlfriend."

The sound that escaped my throat was basically a squawk, which only made my face turn even redder than it did from Rex's comment.

"I could've stuck up for her, too," Quinn called out after Rex as the older man made his way into my kitchen.

I scoffed. "Yeah, right. You would've went along with it and expected me to wait on you hand and foot."

Quinn shrugged. "I would like to see you in a maid outfit."

I moved to hit him, but then stopped when I remembered that Luke was there. He was used to our bickering, but that didn't mean I liked arguing in front of him so much. I was trying to make myself look like a potential girlfriend, not some kid sister.

Rex lasted about five minutes in the kitchen before coming back out into the living room and claiming that he gave up trying to make food, as there was nothing there. At this point, I didn't know if he was exaggerating or not, since we hadn't gone grocery shopping this week yet. That was going to make housing guests interesting.

When I heard the front door suddenly open, my blood went cold. If Leo was home, it meant the fun was over. Even if he went into another room, just knowing he was home completely ruined my mood.

I didn't know if it was better or worse when Lacey made her way through the door, Lindsey trailing in behind her. It was never fun having your enemy be your stepsister's best friend.
"Why are you back?" I demanded, unable to hold back my bitter tone.

Lacey forced a smile at me, only acting civil because of our guests. "I just wanted to come home," was her lame answer. We all knew the reason she'd really came back, and he was six foot three with messy blonde hair and an liking to get smacked with every word that came out of his mouth.

That didn't explain why she had brought Lindsey with her, though I chose not to question it. There was probably no good reason anyway.

Lindsey didn't care about anyone else in the room except the pale boy with the long black hair that sat across from me on the couch. She had a look in her eye that I couldn't read.

"Quinn," she started, quietly. "When I asked to hang out today, you told me you had a family thing you couldn't get out of today."

"I did," the Lost Boys' leader shrugged, leaning back into the couch. "But I got out of it."

I could tell how hurt Lindsey was by this, since he clearly hadn't tried hard enough to get out of whatever family event he had to hang out with her, but instead to come over to my house. I'd be angry if I was her, too.

Instead of directing her anger at him, however, she decided to turn toward me. Though I wasn't very surprised, it still initially caught me off guard. "Can I talk to you in the kitchen for a second?" she asked me, but her tone made it sound like I didn't have much of a choice.

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