Evasion Tactics

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"Ronan Vome!"

"Stay back, you wench!"

"I demand you wed me this instant!"

The people of Tortuga watched the two in amusement as the Marlo's youngest daughter, Shawna, chased Ronan round the town. Ronan stopped running from the girl when he was able to duck behind a stand holding various pieces of pottery.


"Have you got a priest?" Ronan asked the infuriated woman.

She scoffed at his question before haughtily replying, "I know that you will not wed under normal traditions. As your fiancée I should know this much."

Ronan rolled his eyes. "You mean to say you are a pretentious doxie?"

(A/N: doxie-> she-beggar, a wench, or a whore)

Shawna's face turned bright red from anger and embarrassment. She pointed a finger at the grinning pirate whom seemed unconcered with the way things were turning out. "You are accusing me of being a drab?!"

(A/N: drab-> a nasty sluttish whore)

Ronan scoffed as he raked a hand through his hair. "I know that the stable boy nor the baker are the only ones to have ruffled your skirts and taste your bossom."

"How dare-"

"Alright children, mother is here now!" Ronan's relaxed expression morphed into irritation when his younger brother stepped through the crowd, followed by an exasperated looking Arlow. Levan came up behind Shawna and patted her shoulder with a less than convincing look of disappointment.

"I am terribly sorry for my dreadful brother, he is merely shy round the pretty ones so he says harsh words." Levan grinned mischievously at Ronan who was trying to cut him down with his glare. "He would be honored to wed you on the morrow. What say you brother?"

"I say kiss my arse," Ronan growled. Levan whistled, amusement twinkling in his eyes while Arlow quickly made his way over to Ronan and grabbed him by the arm.

"We best be going gentlemen, business awaits." With an awkward chuckle and a nod toward Shawna, Arlow began pulling the older man away from the crowd, catching Levan by the ear and dragging him along.

When they had gotten far enough away Ronan shook Arlow off of him and glared at his brother who seemed more interested in burning holes in the building they took shelter behind.

"I suggest we not waste anymore time and discuss business matters before anything else happens." Arlow and Levan exchanged looks but knew Ronan was right, after all the Royal Guard was trailing them. Arlow was the first to resign and leaned against the building, propping up a leg as he folded his arms.

"We spotted the Royals several times on our trip over here," he began. "Only once did they try to engage in battle but we sent them to the bottom's floor. The others we managed to evade and lost them at sea though I cannot shake the uneasiness I have had since we got here."

Ronan quirked a brow in response. "When exactly did you arrive?"

"We docked nearly three days ago."

Something was amiss and Ronan did not like that he couldn't place his finger on what it was. He knew the Royal Guard was up to something, but what? Why would they attack only once when they must've had plenty of other opportunities out at sea to strike? What was holding them back?

"What of the trade?" Levan inqured, jerking his attention back to the present issue.

"Out of our five merchant ships one was destroyed, two had significant damages, and two were able to complete their journey and dock in Gruts Port." The three men were silent as they processed this information. Tension rose as Levan locked eyes with his brother and asked the question that had been on all of their minds.

"Do you think it is safe to remain in Tortuga?"

Ronan shook his head. "Safe, no. But it will be wise since nightfall is upon us and it isn't easy to navigate out of here even by day."

Arlow watched the two pirates furrow their brows as they considered the situation at hand and felt it was time he took the lead.

"We will stay 'til first light," he proposed, a look at determination and warning flitted across his face. "Anymore time may end up with us trapped. If anything happens tonight we leave immediately. If any one of your crew doesn't make it to the ship, leave them behind."

When Levan and Ronan both nodded Arlow seemed pleased and grabbed Levan so they were able to alert their own crew of the new plan. Ronan set off to find Darius and Kincaid with the small hope that nothing would happen tonight.

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