Blood Red Ocean

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HAPPY FUCK DAAAA- Valentine's Day. I said Valentine's Day. *ahem*

Anyway......Here is the introduction to book 2! Enjoy my Bunnies!




Ronan stood at the railing of the helm, watching through narrowed eyes as the large vessel that belonged to the Royal Guard sliced through the waters as it glided next to his ship. Ronan glared at the man who was in charge of the Royal vessel from where he stood near the helm with his hands clasped behind his back and his head held high with a cocky grin fighting its way across his lips.

"So nice of us to meet once more!" The commander called over.

Ronan raised a brow to that. "Is it now? I had envisioned our meeting a bit more,bloody."

The commander stated laughing, though it sounded like the shrill cries of the dying crows he had once heard on Dead Man's Land.

"I was hoping we could speak on more peaceful terms?" The man motioned toward the cannons that were loaded and aimed directly at his new, sparkling ship.

Ronan gave a mirthless laugh as he regarded the man with a cold look. His crew sensed a change in his demeanor which put some on edge while others grinned, excited for what was to follow.

"You attempted to blow holes through my ship last we spoke." He reminded the Royal commander and felt a twinge of enjoyment at his crestfallen face.

"Simple misunderstanding-"




"If you get rid of me, a new fleet will be sent after you!" The commander cried, desperate to avoid meeting his demise.

"I will take the chance." Ronan gave him a cruel smile as his eyes flashed dangerously. "Do enjoy your stay in hell, though Commander Vex."

He turned and walked back toward the other side of the helm where he leaned against the railing, looking relaxed despite the situation.

"Darius," he called and saw his first mate turned with a questioning look. "You have free reign to play."

A malicious grin made its way onto Darius's face as a mischievous glint appeared in his eyes. He spun around with a hand in the air, making the crew tense in their positions as they waited for the order.


Ronan simply sat there, leaning against the railing as chaos was unleashed upon the Royal Guards. He watched his crew enjoy themselves in the limited amount of time he gave them to 'play' but as he looked on, he couldn't help the slow smirk that slid across his face as he wondered who the Royals would send after him next. No matter who they sent though one thing was for sure, Ronan was a Pirate Captain who was ready to play with his prey.

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