Chapter 1

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It was nearly two in the morning. But he couldn't sleep. Dean's eyes flashed from the ceiling to the walls. His arm tightened around the man who nuzzled into his chest. He had woken up half an hour ago. Something burning in the inside of his chest. Something that just wouldn't settle down. The worst about it, this wasn't the first time he ever felt something like this. Absentmindedly he felt the scar that ran over his arm from the last time this feeling came. The shadows of the dark room seemed to dance happily. As if they knew something more than he. This bad feeling was the start of a long string of bad events. Or at least one, really.

Alright so last time he had this feeling he'd gotten nearly a month off of work due to injury. He shook his head and tried to sit up.

     A calm hand splayed over the middle of his chest. "You alright?"

     Dean successfully sat up as blue eyes pierced the darkness. "Yeah, bad dream." His fingers brushed through his husband's dark hair. "Go back to sleep baby,"

     "Where are you going?" Cas sat up as Dean got up.

     "Glass of water," Dean looked back as Cas lay back down.

     "Just come back,"

     Cas didn't see the smile that lit Dean's face. "You know I will."

Maybe the worst part about this feeling, aside from what would inevitably come with it, was that he never told anyone about it. He'd never warn Cas, or even Sam. He didn't need to worry them. They had enough to worry about to begin with. Dean sighed as he flipped the faucet on, filling the glass. He leaned against the counter as he took a sip. The pads of his finger running over the scar. Eyes looking out the kitchen window at the moonlit sky. Everything would be fine.

It had to.


Chomping down on his self-made breakfast sandwich, Dean watched as Cas fretted over his most current work.

     "Cas, baby, you're gonna be late if you keep this up." Dean had set his breakfast down and looped his arms around the professor.

     "And you'll be late if you keep watching me!" Cas's eyes widened at his sudden outburst. This new painting has had him riled up for days now. He was stressing about it way too much.

     "Hey, hey." Dean whispered, rubbing Castiel's arms. His lips ghosted over the other man's neck. "We're on the same team here." A line both had thrown out in the midst of a fight, or beginning of one.

     Cas turned in Dean's arms. "I'm sorry, Dean I'm-"

     Dean leaned down. His lips melted over Castiel's. "Hey Cas,"

     "Hhmm?" Cas's eyes were closed, his hand had moved up, fingers brushing Dean's cheek.

     "Shut up."

     "Gladly," Cas chuckled with a wild grin. He leaned in for several more kisses.


     "Well chief, I'd think you'd want to wash up before you ran around like one of Cas's latest paintings." Benny laughed as Dean walked into the fire house.

     "The hell you talking about?" The Winchester's brows furrowed.

     Benny snorted. "It's all over your face, man. Cas marked you up real well."

     Still confused Dean lifted his fingers to his face. There was a rough texture, and Dean groaned. He made a beeline for the bathroom. One look in the mirror revealed he had an array of blue shades and white on his faces. Mostly limited to the side that Cas's hand had been running over.

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