Chapter 10

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July 1, 2014

All he remembered from when he woke up was the name that came out of his mouth. It had escaped before he even knew it was there, at first sounding like a jumble of consonants and a vowel. Sam. Or maybe it had seemed like a useless moan before he knew that it was a name. Mumbled out a few more times, and he finally realizes it. A name that belonged to a person. His baby brother who he had been supposed to look after. That was followed by the thought: oh god, what happened to Sammy?

But there had been a voice hovering around him. Even when he had been out the voice was there. It definitely wasn't Sammy, so he pushed it off. Surely it had just been in his head.

That had been then.

Now Dean lay in the hospital bed, Tv on mute. Dr.Sexy would have to go without sound today. His head was pulsing like a bitch. It had started out as a minuscule thing, a mouse scurrying over that one spot continuously. That had been before the pagers went crazy for a code blue a few doors down. Now every single goddamn thing was reminding him of how the left side of his skull felt like it was caving in. The slightest sound was amplified. His lights have been turned off, the sunshine streaming from the outside world for once could gladly go screw itself. As long as it was away from him. Dean closed his eyes, aware that someone was in the room with him, but not caring at the moment.

When in the fuck is that pain medication gonna kick in?

"Dean Winchester," he cracked open an eye to see Jody standing with a hand on her hip. "You just going to sit there, or you going to say hello as I call your name a hundred times?"

"What?" The sheriff's words filtered through at a snail's pace. He finally processed it when Jody opened her mouth again.

"You Winchesters have real charm." She remarked.

"Blame Bobby," Dean relaxed again. A distraction was a small relief.

He flinched at Jody's laugh. Full of warmth and humor, but to him, it was a pain-inducing howl. Instantly the woman was nearly smothering him. "Dean?"

Her fingers brushed over his head in a gesture that was supposed to be comforting. Though the moment her hand hit his healing skull Dean let out a small cry of pain.

"Sorry, sorry," Jody pulled her hand away with record speed. "Have you gotten anything for that?"

"Yeah," the last thing he wanted to do was nod. Because dear God, that sucked. "Kick in anytime now."

"Alright." Jody gave a sigh, making sure the chair she brought forward didn't make too much noise.

It wasn't long after that the pain medication was in full swing. Dean's lips curled up as Jody was going on about all the shit going down at the station. Things he'd normally snoop around for himself. She described some things that he was missing out on, and how Bobby was looking forward to some help in the garage. It may not have been permanent help, but he always did love having Dean as his helping hand. The younger man had done this before as he had finished up training and while he was in school for the extra cash. It did end up paying off in the end. Now, well, Dean had his doubts.


It was later that afternoon that Dean would be -really be- aware of Benny and Charlie visiting. They both had hesitant looks and a few actions about them. Dean just brushed it off to having been a bad day on shift. He wouldn't ask either way.

"They fire my pathetic ass yet?" Dean asked softly. The migraine from earlier was gone, but it was seeming to be just the start of something.

Charlie's eyes grew huge, while Benny just took this in stride. "Actually, brother, you're being promoted." He paused a few beats. It wasn't even a lie. "The department was impressed with your actions, Lieutenant." Benny gave Dean a wide smile and a nod. It was a pretty good act for someone talking to a Captain. That part would come later.

Dean's face had been lacking color lately, but that sparkle in those green eyes was worth the tiny fib.

Charlie still seemed reluctant to this. Though, the moment Benny elbowed her she plastered a fake grin on her lips. "Dude, like full on Harry Potter." It had been something quick to say, but Charlie managed to save herself as per usual. "From sleeping under the stairwell to full-blown boy wizard."

Dean threw his head back onto his mound of pillows. He bellowed deeply. This caused both his friends to relax and allow an actual grin to form. "Really, Charlie? You go full out Harry Potter on me?"

"My second choice was Bilbo Baggins. You may be big but that won't stop me from calling you a hobbit. Have you seen your feet?"

Dean's face had gained a red color as he chuckled again. "So does that make you Gandolf?"

"Damn straight." She didn't miss a beat. Somehow seeing that he at least had some part of him still there, was enough. Enough to wash some of the worries and fears away. But not so much for him to know who Cas was. "Beorn and I have journeyed a long way, Mr.Baggins."

"How about you put that journey to good use. Use some of that mojo of yours to see if I can sneak out of here for the grill out."

"We'll talk to the doc about that champ." Benny still had a soft curl to the edge of his lip. "Rufus would love to have you there, but no point if Jo and Charlie have to haul your ass back here 'cause you passed out on us."

"Alright, mom." Benny knew his point had gotten into Dean. The man was stubborn, yes, but Dean Winchester was far from stupid.

The two visitors took the hint that Dean was worn out when his eyes started to droop.

"Well talk to the doc and Rufus about the grill out for you," Charlie reassured softly. "But right now get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow."

They said their goodbyes. Dean blinked, and the seats his friends had been taking up were suddenly empty. His eyelids and limbs felt heavy. He'd shrug this off, and just let sleep take over. 

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